Pinterest is an amazing source for all your DIY projects, but once you actually get around to doing them all hell can break lose. When it comes to cooking projects, the problem is that most of the recipes look extremely easy to do—a dash of sugar here and some food coloring there and boom you’re done. But unless you’re Martha Stewart things can get messy.
Here are some miserable attempts of Pinterest-inspired recipes that majorly failed in the dining hall:
1. what a hoot!

Photo courtesy of Leah Rocketto

Photo by Jaye Lind
2. Orange you glad we used bananas?

Photo courtesy by Leah Rocketto

Photo by Jaye Lind
3. The wannabe hippie waffle.

Photo courtesy of Reneé Cundick

Photo by Jaye Lind
4. The blueberry mush-mug.

Photo courtesy of girlversusdough

Photo by Jaye Lind
6. The avocado egg tragedy.

photo courtesy of Tiffany Steinke

Photo by Jaye Lind
7. 50 shades of white chocolate.

Photo courtesy of ccom7

Photo by Jaye Lind
Next time you’re browsing through Pinterest don’t be fooled by those “easy” steps and cute Instagram-worthy pictures. It’s not always as easy as it seems.
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