If you’re throwing a Halloween Party and want to achieve ultimate party success, a bobbing activity may be the answer to your problem. But here’s the thing, bobbing for apples is so yesterday.
If you want to spruce up your bobbing fun, replace your (rotten) apples with these edible, and somewhat inedible, Halloween items. Don’t worry, I tested each of them out for you and they’re all sufficiently bob-able. All you’ll need is a cheap water bucket and some of the following items. Keep your apples for your pies, kids and bob for these treats instead.

Photo by Lilian Lee
If you don’t have any apples in the house, use up those sad unwanted pears mom always gets and leaves in the fruit bowl. This underrated Fall-time fruit is scientifically proven to float and therefore extremely bob-able. It’ll fill your apple needs and make mom happy, too.

Photo by Lilian Lee
These little guys are the perfect alternative to your apples. Toss a couple of these babies into a bucket of water, and you’ve just Halloween-o-fied your bobbing bucket. For extra Halloween points, we drew Jack O-Lantern faces on our pumpkins.
I would suggest using the little pumpkins, but if you’re feeling a little adventurous, go ahead and throw a 15 pounder in there. Go on young Jedi, accept the challenge and seize the day.
WARNING: 15-20 lb. pumpkin may cause neck injuries from overexertion. Bob at your own risk.
Halloween Candy

Photo by Lilian Lee
Since Halloween is around the corner, CVS has its mega-jumbo-supersize-colossal variety chocolate candy packs up on the shelves. Grab one or two of those bags and dump ‘em in a bucket of water. I used Halloween themed 3 Musketeers and they were surprisingly easy to bob for.
Halloween Peeps

Photo by Lilian Lee
Everyone feels bad for peeps. They’re the age old candy that grandma leaves in her candy dish for your weekly visits. Put those year old peeps to use and start bobbing. These Halloween peeps will no doubt float and were much easier to bob for than apples. You have to be quick though, these peeps soak up water at a surprisingly fast speed so bob fast.
Halloween Rubber Ducks
They may not be edible, but they sure are adorable. Throwing in a couple of these festive rubber ducks to your bobbing basin will up your Halloween game tremendously. Also, it will leave your guests with a fun take home prize. People always like a fun goody to bring home.
Mini Alcohol Bottles

Photo by Lilian Lee
For those 21 year olds out there, make your bobbing a lil’ boozy and throw in some nips of your choice. My personal choice is Fireball Whiskey. I have to admit, they aren’t the best floaters but if you’re up for a challenge, I say go for it. You may have to dunk for them, but I think they’re worth the feat.