While I respect all vegetarians, I cannot for the life of me begin to imagine how they do it. I mean, the idea of living in a world without bacon, steak, ribs, and chicken is so strange to me. A meal just doesn’t seem complete without some kind of meat somewhere in there.
Meat and poultry are some of the most important parts of the food pyramid (well, at least to me). Haven’t they ever tried meat before? If so, how can they willingly not eat it anymore? These gifs give fellow meat lovers the feels, but you would never catch a vegetarian saying or doing anything like this.
1. It all starts with making plans to eat meat
Because duh, you have to have somewhere great to go, to eat the steak you have been craving all day.
2. Because who doesn’t love meat?
I think all vegetarians would agree to disagree with Joey, but we all know that when it comes to food Joey is never wrong.
3. Before you know it, your love of meat is out of control
As if one steak is going to satisfy your craving. Or only one piece of bacon? Yea no. We want more.
4. I mean really out of control
Hey what can I say? When it comes to ribs, meat lovers are committed.
5. So much so, that we agree with Honey Boo Boo
I mean haven’t we all asked ourselves this same question before? Why can’t my steak come with a side of bacon? Seems reasonable.
6. Of course, we can’t forget about chicken
To all the vegetarians out there who enjoy pizza, what’s a pizza without chicken wings? Beats me.
7. Even reading about meat sparks a craving
Forever craving chicken. Can’t say the same for salads or tofu…
8. Because literally everyone besides vegetarians loves chicken
Because really, what’s not to love?
9. Chicken is always on the mind
Like when you estimate the amount of money you have in terms of the amount of food you can eat. That’s my kind of math.
10. When Thanksgiving rolls around, this is what everyone (except vegetarians) is thinking
What do vegetarians even eat at Thanksgiving if it’s not turkey? Tofurky is just bad and wrong.
11. Burgers are no exception
Juicy beef, crispy bacon and melted cheese = perfection. We just want them all the time.
12. And we can’t forget about BACON
It’s bacon. Everyone loves bacon. If you don’t love bacon you’re probably a communist.
13. We just can’t get enough
One strip simply isn’t going to cut it. And truthfully neither will two. Let’s talk double digits.
14. Bacon/chicken/steak > Salad
Even if you’re trying to be healthy, admit it: you are still craving bacon, chicken or steak while eating that salad.
15. When someone asks you what your favorite breakfast food is
There is nothing better than bacon in the morning… or afternoon, or at night. Sorry vegetarians, you don’t know what you’re missing.