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In Defense of the V-Dub

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Brown chapter.

Confession time: I, too, was once not a big fan of Brown’s Verney-Woolley Dining hall (affectionately nicknamed the V-Dub), preferring to spend my meal swipes at Andrews or the Ratty (formally titled the Sharpe Refectory, Brown’s other all-you-can-eat dining hall). But during finals season, as I had little energy to trek from my dorm down to south campus, I found myself repeatedly in the V-Dub, and soon fell in love. The following are five reasons why I fell for the V-Dub, and why you, too, should give it a chance.

1) Consistent Menu

One complaint I’ve heard is that the V-Dub doesn’t have much variety. However, I believe this is part of the dining hall’s charm. I appreciate the knowledge that in an ever-changing world, there will always be the consistency of a V-Dub taco bowl to fall back on. And, as a highly indecisive person who overloads her plate in the Ratty, the V-Dub’s smaller set of options gives me a less overwhelming set of choices, but still provides the opportunity to mix up the menu day by day.

Sydney Pearson

2) Fewer Crowds

Speaking of the Ratty, have you ever noticed the throngs of people? As someone who likes to walk around the whole Ratty to scope out all my options, I repeatedly engage in near-collisions as I balance a hefty plate in one hand and a tall glass of juice in the other. The V-Dub has far fewer crowds and far shorter lines, making it ideal for someone like me who just wants to get their food and sit down without the awkward traffic shuffles.

3) Relaxing Ambiance

The V-Dub has several different spaces to eat: a brightly lit side, a darker side, and the outdoor courtyard, allowing you to choose what dining experience you’d like for your meal. I’ve also found that, due to the smaller demand, the dining hall tends to be a bit quieter than the Ratty, making it a surprisingly nice place to study for someone who likes moderate background noise.

4) Yummy Food

Some of my favorites are the mussels (I mix them with french fries to make Moules-Frites), the pesto gnocchi, and the vegetarian shepherd’s pie that was served on St. Patrick’s Day. The desserts are also phenomenal — especially the pineapple upside-down cake, my favorite dessert on campus.

5) Pancake Tuesday

I cannot talk about V-Dub food without soliloquizing about my obsession with Pancake Tuesdays. While the Ratty also serves pancakes on various days, what makes the V-Dub unique are the toppings (the coconut cream is incredible) and how they serve multiple pancake flavors rather than one per day. This semester, I’ve been getting up earlier than usual just to squeeze in the V-Dub before my Tuesday 9 am class. Last semester, I made sure to get out of bed in time to make it to the tail end of breakfast. The fluffy pancakes topped with coconut cream? Out of this world.

Sydney Pearson

In conclusion, I strongly believe that the Verney-Woolley dining hall doesn’t deserve the bad reputation that Brown students often give it. However, I will admit to having one complaint about the V-Dub: it isn’t open on weekends.