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5 Reasons Why Bread is Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Brown chapter.

Bread is often a topic of heated debate amongst groups of middle-aged ladies who are divided between following the latest health fad and sticking to eating the “old-fashioned way.” Many of my twenty-something friends, too, have given bread up in the hopes of looking like a Victoria’s Secret angel. 

But I am here to tell you that bread is, in fact, life. Below is a list of reasons why bread can be physically, gastronomically, and psychologically good for you, and why you shouldn’t always shy away from carbs. 

1. It’s delicious in the most simple way

Brea sandwich bread
Marie Chantal Marauta

Warm, crispy toast with a sliver of butter in the morning is one of the great joys of life. As is fresh, fluffy bread dipped in olive oil and topped with a sprinkle of rock salt.

Of course, the bread you consume should be quality (see the attached list of delicious yet affordable store-bought brands), but put together a simple mix of minimal ingredients and you will get you an instant foodgasm.    

2. It refuels and energizes you 

Brea egg toast
Marie Chantal Marauta

If you’re living a relatively healthy and active life (by walking to walkable places instead of taking a cab, eating 1 instead of 5 donuts a week, etc.), then a certain amount of bread a day will help you maintain energy levels and not burn out.

This becomes extremely important when you’re working 9-5, or when you have a million deadlines to meet and a million errands to run, because #adulting is just so fun. 

3. It goes with ANYTHING 

Where would basic betches be without their avocado toast? Variations of said toast include cauliflower melts, fig, ricotta and honey bruschettas, speck, basil and cherry tomato bruschettas, roasted blueberry ricotta crostini, and many, many more. So whether toppings are sweet or salty, bread can satisfy any craving, and provide a delicious meal at any time of day. 

4. Fiber is SUPER good for you 

Brea ham bagel
Marie Chantal Marauta

Unless you have specific health issues (in which case please don’t pay attention to this article!), fiber is really good for you. Not only does it slow down the rate of sugar taken in by the bloodstream, thus keeping your glucose levels from rising rapidly, but it also cleans your colon and regulates bowel movements in order to minimize constipation! 

Gross, I know, but an extremely helpful fact. 

5. It’s cheap and convenient 

Brea vegetable bread
Marie Chantal Marauta

Bread is available in every supermarket, and if you’re on a tight budget, it’s one of the cheapest – yet most fulfilling – food items you can buy.

At restaurants and bars, sandwiches are usually the fastest and cheapest option on the menu. Simple sandwiches and toast variations can be thrown together in the morning before school or work, and if you’re lazy in the evening you can put bread slices into a toaster and eat them with minimal condiments. Extra points for not having too much to wash up!

Hopefully these 5 reasons have convinced you that bread is not actually Satan’s spawn, and that it can be good for you. It’s important to live a healthy and fairly active life, and as long as you do, you can nom whatever you want in moderation. So go forth, be free, and eat those beautiful carbs!