So you’re in Goldsboro, NC at a garage sale and you see a freezer going for $30. Deal. Then, the lady running the garage sale tells you that the freezer was used a time capsule… okay.

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Kinda weird but a freezer for $30 is a steal, so you buy.
You’re told that a church group used the freezer last, and they’re supposed to come and pick up the freezer’s contents, so you’re not to open it until then. It’s sealed by duct tape.
Pause. Right here, a giant red flag should wave or you should hear some kind of voice of reason or something, because who in their correct mind would buy a freezer without looking in it? Next to being operational, the most important thing to be certain of when buying a preowned freezer is that the inside doesn’t look like a freaking sewer.
Well, a lady in Goldsboro, NC lived the tale I just told you, and she got that inviolable freezer without opening it. The church group never showed up to collect the freezer’s mysterious contents, and after waiting, she threw wide that freezer door and found a human foot.
The woman told CBS, “My heart was in my throat and I ran outside, called 911.”
Well, lady… you’ve got a lot of misplaced organs cause I doubt your brain was in your head when you bought a freezer without looking inside of it. Sure, you probably didn’t figure there were human remains in there but, still…