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7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Pineapple

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Brandeis chapter.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? No one, because pineapples don’t grow underwater. Well, I guess Spongebob does live in a pineapple under the sea, and if you want to consider him a person then you can but – IN REALITY – pineapples are not an aquatic thing nor do they act as houses. But there are a bunch of cool things that pineapples actually do.


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Feeling Under the Weather?


Photo by Alex Shapiro

When it comes to fighting off a cough, oranges are always placed on a pedestal. While oranges provide a great source of Vitamin C, most people don’t know that pineapples can work wonders, too. Not only are pineapples packed with Vitamin C, but they also contain bromelain, an enzyme that aids indigestion, controls coughs, and loosens mucus.

Looking for a Cheap Gift?


Photo by Isabelle Chu

After you’ve finished cutting up your pineapple, don’t be so quick to throw everything away. If you want to give a present to your father for Father’s Day but you don’t have money to blow, cut the leaves off the top of the pineapple and plant them in soil. A beautiful new plant will grow that’ll be sure to make your father happy.

Judging a Pineapple By Its Color?


Photo by Alex Shapiro

What do bright green pineapples, white pineapples, and gold pineapples all have in common? They’re equivalently sweet. There are four different types of pineapples, and the difference in color is based on the location the fruit was grown, not their ripeness.

Hb Some Hawaiian Slang?


Photo by Alex Shapiro

It’s no secret that most of us would rather be lying on a beach in Hawaii right now. Pineapples are not only a staple in the Hawaiian diet, but they’re also a part of the Hawaiian slang. When there’s a sun shower in Hawaii, locals call it “pineapple juice.”

Want a Beautiful Smile?


Photo by Alex Shapiro

In addition to brushing your teeth and flossing, you should add a healthy dose of pineapple to your dental routine. Pineapples have such a high amount of Vitamin C that eating this delicious fruit can lower the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Struggling to Stay Hydrated?


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Pineapples are 87% water, so if you’re having a hard time chugging Dasani, try snacking on some pineapple slices throughout the day instead.

Need Plans For April 20th?


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April 20th is National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. After you’ve celebrated the holiday, eat some cake! The cast of Pineapple Express would be so happy.

Sooooooooo, if you didn’t get the message–PINEAPPLES ROCK.


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Mya Goodman

Brandeis '18