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4 Reasons Why You Should Stop Hating on Prunes

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Brandeis chapter.

Dried cranberries, dried apricots, dried grapes, dried plums. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things prefers to go by the stigma-loaded name “prunes.”

Prunes, newly marketed as dried plums, have always gotten a lot of crap (primarily because of their fiber content and association with the elderly folk). But there ain’t nothing wrong with prunes, and this is a college student in the flesh and blood professing her love these purple goops of joy.

Now sit back, relax, and let me remold your concept of this old person food, the beloved prune.

Prunes are delicious.


Photo by Ally Mooney

Seriously, have you ever had one? They taste like a gummy blown up 5 sizes and infused with extra juice. Unlike their raisin friends, prunes don’t have that zingy after taste. This globby goodness is as close to candy as you’ll get without actually eating candy. “Waiter, yes I’ll take 5 prunes for dessert.”

Prunes are sexy.


Photo by Ally Mooney

Dare I say that such an old person food is sexy? Yes, yes I do. And do you know why? Because imagine prunes and dark chocolate melting together to make a beautiful cookie.

Dark chocolate and wine is often the quintessential picture of sexy sophistication. Add some voluptuous, full-bodied prunes to the mix and your palate just got kicked up a notch.

These bad boys keep you regulated.


Photo by Ally Mooney

And seriously, who doesn’t want to be regulated? Yes, it’s true that their fiber content is remarkably high, but who’s complaining? As a college student living off of college food, I don’t want that mystery meat hanging around in my stomach for too long. Just sayin’.

Prunes are just dried plums.


Photo by Ally Mooney

When I told my friends that I made prune chocolate chip cookies, there were no takers. When I said I made dried plum chocolate chip cookies, BOOM, so many takers (and while we’re on the note of delicious prune baked goods, check out this rad plum cake). It’s all in the wording, folks. Don’t let what you’ve heard affect your opinion on prunes, or anything for that matter.

So grab 1, grab 5 (don’t grab 100, you’ll be too regulated) and try these little delicacies out for yourself. You may just be surprised. And in the event you are surprised, buy those Costco sized bags of “dried plums” (praised be those industrial sized masses of gooey goodness). Vive la prune!

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Ally Mooney

Brandeis '15