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Some Favorites from My Vienna Food Crawl

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Bowdoin chapter.

As I’m nearing the end of my study abroad experience, I’m reminiscing on my favorite eats from our class trip to Vienna, Austria. I had no prior experience with Austrian cuisine, but I am always willing to try anything delicious. Take a look at some of these wonderful Austrian eats, ranging from savory meals to luscious desserts!

First Stop: Zum Weissen Rauchfangkehrer

On our first day, we jumped into the deep end of Austrian cuisine right away. This restaurant served us a hefty portion of schnitzel and kaiserschmarrn. Schnitzel is a breaded veal cutlet that’s typically large in size paired with a tart potato salad. I was taken aback from the humongous cutlet, and I could tell the rest of my classmates were also shocked. The cutlet was fried to golden brown perfection and the potato salad was refreshing. A sweet cranberry sauce accompanied the schnitzel and complimented the savory schnitzel. I love dessert, and I’d only heard of kaiserschmarrn through a BuzzFeed video starring Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

To whoever invented kaiserschmarrn, thank you from the deepest depths of my heart. It was delectable with its soft, fluffy texture and the vanilla ice cream added another layer of sweetness. I’m not the biggest fan of plums, but the plum sauce truly elevated the dessert to new heights. The sauce was warm and coated each and every bite with slight acidity. Highly recommend—I would go back to Vienna solely for this dish (and the experience, of course). 

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

Second Stop: Palmenhaus

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

The next day consisted of several academic visits to lecturers and museums, and I’m sure you know the feeling of wanting to eat after a long day. We had dinner at this stunning restaurant overlooking some of Vienna’s most iconic museums; it had an artisanal appeal with verdant plants covering every inch of the place.

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

I enjoyed these crusted goat cheese balls with greens and figs. The saltiness from the goat cheese worked in harmony with the sweetness from the figs. The goat cheese didn’t overpower the figs and the greens offered a nutty, earthy note to finish the appetizer off well. Everything was fresh, and you could distinguish the different textures and flavors from one another. 

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

Our main dish was—you guessed it—schnitzel. Similar to the first one I had, this schnitzel was extremely large, and came along with other side dishes such as potatoes. Again, none of us finished the schnitzel, but we left with our stomachs full and faces beaming.

Third Stop: Café Central

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

One of my classmates recommended that I check out Café Central. I’m easily influenced by the promise of desserts, and I made the trek after another academic visit along with some friends. We all ordered different menu items, but I had my eyes set on the carefully crafted desserts. I chose the “Nuss Kuss” due to its hazelnut and chocolate toppings. The chocolate wasn’t overly sweet and had a hint of bitterness peeking through. A smooth hazelnut cream topped the dessert off along with an actual hazelnut. If you love Nutella and the Férrero Rocher chocolates, this dessert captures those flavors to a T. I declare this a must-visit when in Vienna!

Fourth Stop: Seven North Vienna

This place was gorgeous. The warm lighting, the open kitchen concept, and overall atmosphere exuded comfort. The dining experience was unique in the sense that the food just kept coming. We ate copious amounts of bread with mountains of spreads like creamy hummus and lentils with tangy chili oil. Nothing could’ve prepared us for the upcoming courses—we were surged with excitement from all the new and exciting foods.

We ate a whole fish with several vegetables submerged in the seasonings and juices. It as delicious, but the best part was the presentation; the waiter brought the fish to the table and it was lit on fire. Our eyes were glued to the indigo flame, and we were so intrigued that we immediately dug in. We couldn’t figure out what fish it was, yet it was beyond tender. For our vegetarian classmates, they provided a rustic and simple spaghetti drenched in tomato sauce. 

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

The final highlight was this exquisite lamb on top of a garlicky dough. At this point, we were stuffed; yet, we all went in after this dish was brought out. The lamb was tender and had a smoky flavor from the grill. The vegetables were perfectly roasted and coated the lamb nicely. I don’t usually eat lamb, but this was by far my favorite meal of the night. We spent nearly four hours here – we lost track of time and it was surely a night to remember, so much so that my memory of the place remains vivid.

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

My fellow readers, I prompt you all to visit Vienna and indulge yourself in Austrian cuisine. In Billy Joel’s words, “Vienna waits for you…”

Vienna food
Tiffany Ambriz-Duran

Hi! My name is Tiffany Ambriz-Duran and I’m a junior studying at Bowdoin College majoring in Psychology and Education. I love food and can’t wait to share my experiences with everyone. Please enjoy!