Remember the hype about the edible water blob replacing water bottles? Well behold, The Raindrop Cake.

Gif courtesy of
New Yorker, Darren Wong has just perfected the recipe and is bringing this Japanese creation to America. It will be making its debut appearance in NYC’s Smorgasburg this weekend. According to The Huffington Post, people in Japan have been going crazy over this trendy and unique delicacy.
In Japan, Twitter user @rarapanpusu said: “The sensation of eating the water cake was a bit surprising, since it felt like the cake turned into water in your mouth, but it was delicious. Highly recommended!”

Photo courtesy of @irelandstudios on Instagram
According to the Raindrop Cake’s website, “The Raindrop Cake is inspired by traditional Mizu Shingen Mochi from Japan. It’s a light, delicate and refreshing raindrop made for your mouth.”
Darren Wong says that this new trend “…tastes like eating a giant raindrop duh! The cake itself is very mild and very much about the delicate texture the melts in your mouth. Together with the toppings it has a strong sweet kick with a tinge of molasses and roasted nutty flavor.”
Watch this video by The Huffington Post to see the cake in action:
Raindrop Cake Looks Awesome And Is Almost Zero Calories
This raindrop cake is making its U.S. debut.
Posted by The Huffington Post on Thursday, March 31, 2016
The cake definitely looks and feels like a water droplet. It will be served with kinako (roasted soy flour) and a brown sugar syrup. YUM! The cake is also ZERO calories, SCORE! Can’t wait to try it? Me too.