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Apply to Join Spoon Binghamton

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Binghamton chapter.

From writing great articles, going to Restaurant Week tastings, and having a successful launch party, we’ve done big things in our first few months as a student organization on campus. Our publication already has 30 members and we’re looking to expand! If you’re interested in joining our editorial, photo or marketing team, read below to find out how to apply. Deadline for all teams is SundaySeptember 28th!

Please note that our meetings will be held on Thursdays at 8pm.


Write and pitch stories for the only food magazine on campus. It can be recipes, cooking tips, restaurant reviews, or opinions on anything food-related. You’ve got smarts and wit so use your voice to be Binghamton’s guide to all things food.

Complete the writer application here.
Don’t forget to send the writing sample to echai1@binghamton.edu with the subject line: Spoon Writer Application.


An eye for detail and a high standard for quality? You’re exactly who we are looking for. Editors will ensure that writers’ articles are ready for posting on a weekly basis in addition to steering content direction.

Complete the editor application here.
(Send application to echai1@binghamton.edu with the subject line: Spoon Editor Application)


We all eat with our eyes first and you know how to keep both our eyes and tastebuds hungry for more. 

Please email the following to Marci Green at mgreen13@binghamton.edu with the subject line: Spoon Photo Application:

1. A short letter stating why you are interested in joining Spoon, what type of camera do you have and any editing experience you may have.
2. Links to portfolios or photos you have taken, or send photos directly to Marci through email. Food photos are preferred, but not necessary.

3. Do you have 1-2 hours a week that you can commit to spoon? What other activities are you involved in on campus?

*A DSLR is required to be part of the photo team*


Spread the word and put Spoon on the campus map. Plan events, collaborate with local businesses and student groups, fundraise and use social media to help Spoon grow. Be creative, be strategic.

Complete the Marketing/PR team application here

If you have any questions, please email: echai1@binghamton.edu (writers & editors), mgreen13@binghamton.edu (photographers) and hshi4@binghamton.edu (marketing team)

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Evelyn Chai
