Blimey! It’s the day of beer and merriment, but have you picked out what you’ll be chugging down on this fine day? No? Well fret not, because here are 7 beers guaranteed to have you feeling lucky and in that good Irish mood.

Photo Courtesy of KyleCameroPhotography on Flickr
Dream Machine (Magic Hat)
We kick off the list with this smooth Indian Pale Lager. Compared to most beers this has a very light and refreshing taste. IPL’s tend to be pretty rare, but this can be commonly found in the back of any liquor store’s fridge, easy to get down, plus who doesn’t love that psychedelic packaging.
A cold Belgian ale, with a name bound to make 3rd graders laugh, it’s crisp with just a hint of citrus undertones and that hoppy taste all avid beer lovers crave.

Photo courtesy of Edwin.bautista on Flickr
Ithaca Flower Power
Brewed right in the back-country of Binghamton, this golden beer is notable for its floral smell, yet robust beer taste. You can’t look on any favorite beer list without this making the top ten, and rightfully so. No guy wants to admit it but damn do we love the smell of flowers.
Nugget Nectar
An elegant amber beer, more bitter than most, but is starkly contrasted via its unique amber malt, with a pleasant after taste that leaves you wanting more. Enough said.
Fuller’s London Pride
Pip pip cheerio! This traditional English ale has just started to pop up in bars all across New York. It’s a perfect balance of bitter and sweet fruit and an overall delicious gift from our London brothers. Cheers!

Photo Courtesy of Richmugger on Flickr
Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale
This beer may have a cocky name, but damn does it deserve it! A strong beer with a heavy hoppy bite, it’s bitterness will knock you down, but you’ll be smiling the whole time.
Sam Adams Irish Red
Finally, the list concludes with a beer made in the traditional style of St Patty’s Day. This Irish Red Ale has a rich malt with a hint of cherries and caramel. Easy to drink and in the tradition of the holiday, what more could you ask for?
Now grab your bottles and your four leaf clovers and turn up this holiday in true beer aficionado style.