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Boston College Marathon Monday Survival Guide 2019

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at BC chapter.

Marathon Monday, aka the best day of the year for Boston College students, is quickly approaching and just like the marathoners, we need to begin prepping ourselves for the big day. Follow these tips for the best Marathon Monday possible and remember—it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Tip #1: go to bed early

A good nights sleep is crucial for a successful Marathon Monday, especially with the early wake up call. Make sure to get to bed earlier than usual in preparation for the big day!

Tip #2: rise and shine

For BC students, waking up on Marathon Monday is better than waking up on Christmas morning, so this part should be easy. Despite the early wake up call, you certainly won’t have trouble getting hyped. Turn on your speaker, put on Doses and Mimosas, and let the day begin.

Tip #3: cross the street on time

Whether you’re a freshman on upper, a senior in the mods, or a sophomore in vandy, you need to make sure you cross Comm Ave in plenty of time. The street officially shuts down at 8:30am, so I would suggest getting off campus no later than 8am. But get over there as soon as possible—that’s where the party’s at!

Tip #4: eat and hydrate

A big dinner and breakfast are imperative for a good start on Monday morning. Begin intentionally hydrating a few days before and drink tons of water and Gatorade. The night before, eat pasta and protein, and Monday morning, don’t forget to eat a good breakfast! Let’s be honest, the runners aren’t the only ones who need to carb up.

Tip #5: wear a fanny pack

With the tight security surrounding the marathon route, you don’t want to be bothered with having to stop and get your backpack checked. Opt for a fanny pack instead! Throw in a portable charger, money, and some snacks, like an RxBar, for when you need energy throughout the day. 

Tip #6: dress for the weather

Anna Keefe

It’s function over fashion for this one. While you always want to look cute, you’ll be outside for the majority of the morning and want to make sure you’re wearing the right amount of clothing. Fortunately for us, this year temperatures are unseasonably cold and there is a 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms! Pack a poncho, throw on a pair of old sneakers, and, boys, fear not—jerseys are great for layering. 

Tip #7: share your location

Find My Friends is a lifesaver on Marathon Monday. Before you head out, gather your squad and have everyone share locations! That way, no one will get separated from the group and everyone can stay safe.

I’ll see you on Mile 21. The countdown begins now.