This month our Spoon theme is Nostalgia, so here’s one of the best ways to throw it back. Let’s not pretend that you haven’t planned out your wedding with that celebrity crush from your childhood and played MASH 1000 more times until you got that one celebrity. For all you 90’s babies out there, this quiz will bring up the flashbacks of all your Tigerbeat and J-14 posters. We all love food and a good lookin’ person to enjoy it with. Now we pose the question: does your food preference have any correlation to who your soulmate is? Take this quiz to find out!
Even if you didn’t get quite who you thought you would, there is something to be said about your food choice. For all the boys and girls out there who fell in love as a child with that one special person, we at Spoon understand the bond you have. I would like to personally congratulate you on the connection you just discovered and bless you and your future endeavors. Let’s be honest, whether you got the result you wanted or not, your favorite food will hold your heart forever (but a fulfilled crush to enjoy it with would make it a little better).

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