Sick of the same old nasty protein shakes? Staying fit doesn’t have be so unpleasant. Try out these mouthwatering smoothies that could make you forget that you’re being so healthy.
1. Chocolate Cherry Shake

Photo by Hana Ezaldein
You don’t think of desserts and staying in shape as being related at all. Time to change that with this insanely tasty protein shake. The delicious and nutritious combination of chocolate, cherries, and almond butter will have you questioning why you ever avoided the gym in the first place.
2. Peanut Butter Banana Shake

Photo by Leah Nordman
PEANUT BUTTER (banana) TIME. This shake has all of the essentials to a well-rounded protein boost, including the amazing little chia seeds.
If these guys aren’t your best friends yet, they should be now. These little things provide a massive amount of energy, and a tiny amount of calories. “Because of all the fiber, chia seeds can absorb up to 10-12 times their weight in water, becoming gel-like and expanding in your stomach.” This makes you feel more full and slows the absorption of your food.
#SpoonTip: Add the chia seeds in after blending all of the other ingredients

Photo by Julie Lin
Every sane human’s favorite candy is now your source of protein. Get swole and drink your favorite flavor combination at the same time. It’s truly a blessing.

Photo by Rachel Dyckman
This one’s for you health freaks out there. Or for those of you who think that vegan food is gross, this will most likely change your mind. Vegans can still get loads of protein too.
5. Strawberry Banana

Photo by Alexa Santos
A great summer blend of ingredients designed for a gym rat. Don’t worry workout-aholics, you get to have a sweet tooth too.
6. Tropical Delight

Photo by Alexa Santos
It’s easy to pretend you’re relaxing by a tropical beach somewhere far away from the sweaty gym you’re about to enter when drinking this thing. Indulge and get away from the world for a second with this smoothie, then go pump that iron.
7. Green Machine

Photo by Stephanie Nguyen
Something this green may seem a little repulsive, but trust me on this one. Matcha powder is basically green tea on steroids. Matcha is an antioxidant powerhouse, and a great ingredient to add into your daily life.
8. Wild Berries and Cream

Photo by Alexa Santos
It doesn’t have to be cheat day for you to satisfy your cravings when smoothies like this exist.
9. Nutty Chocolate

Photo courtesy of
This is definitely one of my favorite ways to get my dose of protein. The mix of bananas, almond butter, and chocolate work in a beautiful unison to disguise the taste of protein.
Almond butter holds more health benefits in comparison to peanut butter, but (at least in my opinion), it still tastes amazing – maybe even better.
10. Cinnamon Apple

Photo courtesy of
This cinnamon apple won’t let you down. So much better than Apple Jacks and so much healthier, this shake will get you hyped for that workout you might be dreading – just add a scoop of whey protein to this already amazing and healthy recipe.
This recipe originally doesn’t have protein powder in it, but just throw in a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, and you got yourself a protein-packed smoothie.