I have never been a fan of exercise. There, I said it. Maybe my distaste in physical activity springs from my unwillingness to get off the couch, or maybe it comes from my pure and simple hatred of sweating. None the less, I want to enhance my already stellar summer bod.
For the sake of this project, I had to push myself much harder than I would like to admit. I turned off the Netflix, put on some sneakers and got to CrossFit gym, or as the CrossFit gods like to call them, “boxes.”

Gif courtesy of tumblr.com
There are 10 skills that each CrossFit session will try and work on: Cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. Just to be clear-I have absolutely none of these skills. I could tell that this was going to be quite a long and potentially painful workout.
Every day there is a different workout, or WOD, that will consist of any combination of these skills. That could mean anything from running hard, lifting heavy and using muscles you don’t even know you have.

Photo courtesy of @addisonderos on Instagram
For example, today’s WOD was to row 1000 meters on the rowing machine, working on form and lifting for about 20 minutes, and then, the grand finale, 30 seconds of over head presses, 30 seconds of air squats and a 30 second plank, four times with a 60 second rest in between reps.
*Pro-tip: don’t wear grey…especially if you’re sweat-conscious like me.

Photo courtesy of @crossfitgames on Instagram
However, CrossFit isn’t just about the training, like any sport, it’s about the community. Even though being in a class with six other people can be intimidating, everyone is there to support each other. Everything about each WOD can be tailored to fit anyone’s individual needs, whether that means back-squatting 30 pounds or 300 pounds. CrossFit is for anyone and everyone, seriously.
You walk (or run) into the room and everyone says hi to you, even if they haven’t met you. Everyone encourages everyone, and it becomes a sort of safe space. The person next to you could be lifting 20 pounds more than you, or be running faster, or be able to do a plank for longer than you can, but no one judges you. You are all there to push yourselves, and maybe lift 5 pounds more than you did yesterday.

Photo courtesy of @crossfit on Instagram
There might be some “gym-timidation” at first, but that melts away with time (and by time I mean from the time I walked in, to the time I walked out). It was one of the hardest workouts I have ever done, and even though I hated myself while I was doing it, I loved myself for going.

Photo by Madelyn Bucher
Overall rating: 10/10, would definitely recommend.