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Top 10 Jewish Foods That Will Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at American chapter.

As an unapologetic Jew who loves the religion for a number of reasons, I am often asked what my favorite Jewish foods are. 

There are so many marvelous and mouthwatering Jewish dishes that it is almost impossible to pick just one (or even two). For every dish, there is a memory that comes with it, like celebrations with family and friends or special occasions. 

Although there are countless Jewish foods, the foods mentioned here are those with Ashkenazi roots, Jews who come from Eastern Europe. These foods do not represent all of the dishes in Jewish tradition, since Jews come from all over the world and have brought with them their own dishes, customs and traditions. 

This is just a small taste of Jewish tradition and culture which goes back hundreds of years. With that being said, here are my top ten Jewish foods that will change your life.

10. Gefilte Fish  

Although I am not the biggest fan of gefilte fish, I must say that it has quite the following among Ashkenazi Jews. Anytime my mom and I go to the kosher supermarket, one of the only things my dad asks for is gefilte fish with the slice of carrot on top and horseradish. Although it does taste funny, there are multiple ways of cooking it. The only way I eat it is if it is fried and slathered with hummus, because why not? Hummus makes everything better!

9. Pastrami sandwich 

Although I am currently a vegetarian, whenever my family and I go to a kosher restaurant, there is always a reuben or some sort of pastrami sandwich on the menu and someone always gets it. It is a staple in any kosher restaurant and Jewish homes. 

8. Matzah brei

This may not sound familiar to those who don’t celebrate Passover, but this dish is basically crushed up matzah (unleavened bread) mixed with egg and fried on a pan. In my house, my dad makes it every year after Passover is over, and we put on any toppings we want. This, like kugel, can be either sweet or savory and is normally eaten by Ashkenazi Jews. 

7.  Shakshuka

Before I came to AU for my second year, my mom invited a few close family friends over for breakfast, and the one thing we all devoured was the shakshuka. This dish consists of tomato sauce, garlic, paprika, cumin, red pepper flakes, and pouched eggs. It is both Jewish and Israeli and is usually eaten with bread. It is a staple breakfast food in my house and community.

6. Kugel

What’s so great about kugel, you may ask? It can be either sweet or savory depending on what you are in the mood for. There is noodle and potato kugel, apple and cranberry apple kugel, and so many other amazing, delicious types of kugel for every occasion. 

5. Bagels and lox

For any celebration that takes place around breakfast time, you can bet that there are bagels, lox, onions, tomatoes, and capers. I have no idea as to how this came to be a Jewish staple, but all I know is that if we don’t have lox and whipped cream cheese in my house, we all go into a frenzy.

4. Latkes 

The best parts of Hanukkah are definitely the presents, spending time with family, and endless latkes. My favorite thing to put on them is sour cream and apples. It is just so delicious and I can definitely eat three plates of latkes easily. I don’t know why we don’t enjoy them year-round, but there is just something magical about having them during Hanukkah.  

3. Blintz

During Shavuot, the holiday when the Jews got the Torah, it is customary to eat dairy foods. One of these foods is called blintzes, and it consists of a very thin dough that is between a crepe and pancake. It is filled with sweet cheese or blueberry/raspberry sauce, or both. This dish  came from Ashkenazi Jews, but is now enjoyed by everyone. 

2. Matzah Ball Soup

There is nothing like a bowl of hot matzah ball soup on a rainy day or when you are sick. The mix of carrots, potatoes, dill, and matzah balls that are cooked to perfection can cure anything from having a bad day to just not feeling well. 

1. Challah 

If you have never had fresh baked challah straight from the oven, my goodness, you are missing out on a life changing experience. Anytime I pass by a bakery and can smell them baking challah, it reminds me of Shabbat dinners with my family and friends.  

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Michal Cohen

American '22

I am currently a sophomore studying political science and journalism. I am from Miami, Fl but I have Israeli and Brazilian roots. I love reading, writing, coffee, and playing with my dog Toby.