We’re back, bitches! We started the #SpoonAUSummer movement last summer to see what American University students and DCists are eating during their time off. It’s summer sixteen and the #SpoonAUSUmmer pics are hotter than ever.
1. This egg porn right now. Can y’all handle it? ‘Cause we can’t!

Photo courtesy of @haute.coffee on Instagram
Look at that yolk porn. Just look at it!
2. I’d work work work work work work for this ice cream *Rihanna voice*

Photo courtesy of @hungryintern on Instagram
Singing “if you had a twin, I would still choose you” to this ice cream at the moment.
3. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir, crepe?

Photo courtesy of @lindseygsmith on Instagram
Dayum, those strawberries are glowing though.
4. Czech this beauty out!

Photo courtesy of @dceatings on Instagram
Ha, get it?
5. Eat chocolate pies, get papaaaah!

Photo courtesy of @xoshannonigan on Instagram
Summer diet? What summer diet? *nervous laugh*
6. Muscles turn me on.

Photo courtesy of @timmyygram on Instagram
Oops, I mean mussels.
7. Balls! Balls er’where!

Photo courtesy of @scottafters on Instagram
Ugh, I want to eat this everyday until Summer 2030.
Well, that’s all for the month of May folks! We’ll be back for a June roundup. If you want to be featured in our next roundup make sure to tag your food pictures with #SpoonAUSummer and follow us on Instagram, @spoon_au.