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7 NSFW #SpoonAUSummer Pics To Make This Summer Even Hotter

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at American chapter.

We’re back with our #SpoonAUSummer June roundup! Let me tell ya, these foodstagrams had me feeling all the feels. Here we go.

1. I need a one dance, got a bbq pork sandwich in my hand.


Photo courtesy of @xoshannonigan on Instagram

Also, Hennessy would pair well with this. Just saying.

2. It’s like if a smoothie bowl was on an acid trip.


Photo courtesy of @hannarosslundgren on Instagram

That shine on the coconut flakes tho.

3. Double fisting never looked this damn good.


Photo courtesy of @thecookiejardc on Instagram

I’m sexually attracted to these cookies right now.

4. Double fisting: the sequel.


Photo courtesy of @sweetlifeoflaurengrace on Instagram

Alternative caption: I want to lick every drop of that creme cheese.

5. Make it rain sprinkles, bitch!


Photo courtesy of @mai__foodstagram on Instagram

The ice cream def stole the show.

6. At night I think of you *does the Running Man*


Photo courtesy of @dceatings on Instagram

Can we please talk about that swirl at the end?



Photo courtesy of @devourpower on Instagram

Omg, omg, omg, omg.

You know the drill. Tag us using #SpoonAUSummer and you might be featured in our July roundup. Deuces!

Judges people who over-filter their food pics. Almost dropped out of college to pursue his dream of becoming a famous foodstagrammer. Owns all the Hannah Montana soundtracks because he thinks one day they will be worth millions of dollars. Can only eat bacon if it’s dipped in chocolate, cake batter, or in a doughnut filling. Follow his foodie eats @theeeatingpineapple on Instagram.