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A Love Letter to Jack’s on Hackberry

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Alabama chapter.

To the amazing staff over at Jack’s on the corner of Hackberry and 12th that puts up with the obnoxious tenants of Central Park, Rock Point, and the houses on 12th and 13th street:

You mean more to me than you’ll ever know, and I’m sorry that it took me so long to express my love and appreciation for y’all. There have been a lot of times when y’all could’ve and rightfully deserved to judge me but chose not to (or at least you didn’t show it).

Thank you for not judging me that time I was so deliriously hungover and tried to pay for my breakfast with a Sephora Rewards card. Who knew that you can only use that at Sephora? I guess it somehow slipped my mind.

Thank you for not judging me that time I threw up in the bathroom because I couldn’t make it to my apartment, even though it’s right across the street (don’t worry, I didn’t make a mess).

Thank you for not judging me that time my friends and I came in, and we took 15 minutes to figure out what we wanted, and we ended up ordering chicken fingers and French fries (what we always order).

A photo posted by k8 steiner (@k8bytheocean__) on

Thank you for assuring me that I am “a strong independent girl that don’t need no man” that one time I came in crying about the jerk I’d been seeing first semester.

Thank you for keeping your laughter to a minimum that time I came in crying because I was so stressed about finals first semester.

Thank you for keeping your laughter to a minimum that other time I came in crying because I was so stressed about finals second semester.

Thank you for serving me that time I came in at 10:57 p.m. even though y’all close at 11 p.m.

But most importantly, thank you for being you.

Much love and many more expected trips this school year,


Kate Steiner

@spoon_bama's Editorial Director and Tuscaloosa's biggest clinomaniac | #suhfood | insta: @k8spl8