
Homemade Doughnuts and Adventure at Wickham's Fruit Farm

The East End of Long Island brings back the old school traditions that the city can't beat. Driving through thousands of acres of farmland and seeing turkeys, horses, and cows is an adventure if you're from the city. Near the Peconic Bay stands a historic farm on the North Fork of Long Island called Wickham's Fruit Farm! 

Dating Back to The 1600's 

Wickham's Fruit Farm sits on over 300 acres of land and is one of the largest farms on the North Fork. 200 of those 300 acres are dedicated to growing the highest quality of fruit. Visitors of all ages are able to see how everything is grown right on-premise and then brought to the front of the market to sell. 

Fun Fact: The oldest cider press on Long Island was built in 1902 and is located at Wickham's Farm. 

Wickham's was the first fruit farm and the first farm on Long Island to achieve New York's top agricultural environmental award – The 2016 Agricultural Environmental Management Award. Each year, this award is given to a New York farm that demonstrates strong efforts to protect and preserve soil and water quality.  

Fresh Produce 

Throughout the year Wickham's has a multitude of fruits to pick fresh off the vine or tree. U-Pick is a fun activity on the farm where visitors can pick their own fruit to purchase. There are many different picking options such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, pumpkins, and cherries. 

The best part of P-Y-O is the ride to the picking areas! People who are interested in picking can jump on a tractor for a nice hayride. Once they are off the wagon, they are able to roam free and start pickin'. It is requested that you only pick the fruits you intend to purchase.

Freshly Baked Sweets 

Another thing that Wickham's is known for is its doughnuts! Their doughnut flavors include cinnamon, plain, and sugar—or you can get an assortment of all three. They make fresh apple cider doughnuts as you can see above, along with their homemade apple cider. Wickham's has numerous other goodies for sale such as homemade pies, jams, oils and vinegars, as well as an assortment of tea cakes and breads. 


Schools on the island are also able to book field trips to Wickham's Farm. The tours offer a variety of educational experiences for students in Pre-K and up. You can find more information about tours here

This historic farm on the North Fork of Long Island is the place to go for a fun day with family and friends. What makes Wickham's a great atmosphere is its location. The farm is located on the quiet Main Road in Cutchogue, allowing for a relaxing farm experience