
Which Coffee Shops UBC Students Should Study At

Aside from the popular mentions from Vancitybuzz, coffee shops like Breka, Blenz, and Starbucks are often the big dogs when it comes to study hubs. Which also means that it'll be packed with UBC students passive-aggressively fighting each other for a spot. 

Who has the time and energy to go looking for a new cafe to study at? Not you, and that's why I've done the work for you. From cafes on campus, to ones that are all the way in downtown, here's a list of coffee shops that all UBC students should study at.

Staying close to campus

Loafe Cafe

Located right next to the Nest, Loafe Cafe is a beautifully designed spot for studying. Not to mention, they have a dope avo-toast dish and a killer bulgogi panini. Having said that, it can get crowded during peak hours, so make sure you come early to snag a good seat. 

Great Dane Coffee

Right behind Gage lies this quaint albeit relaxing cafe, it doesn't have a large seating area inside but it does have a large outside patio with a nice fireplace. This is a good place to go to when you feel like you're suffocating from camping at Irving for too long. 

The Well Cafe

I had no idea this place even existed, and I walked by it almost everyday. For those who don't know, Regent College (affiliated with UBC) is in between UBC and University Village, and it's where this secret spot is located in. It's a great place to study at whilst also being very convenient in terms of transit and food. 

MOA Cafe

If the previous cafe wasn't hidden enough, then you'll be surprised to know that the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) has a cafe of its own. It's a bit of a longwinded way to get there, but it's definitely worth it for the serenity and the views. What's more, if you ever need a brain break, you can walk through the museum free of charge.

Gotta get off campus, but nowhere too far

Benny's Bagels

Take the 99 for about 20 minutes and you'll be within walking distance to this quaint little place. It's also close to Thomas Haas, so feel free to indulge yourself as a treat after a good day's worth of studying.

Grounds for Coffee

Hailed as one of the best place for cinnamon rolls, it's also a pretty good place for studying too. Again, you can take the 99 to Alma and it's more or less across the street. Although let's be real, even though it's an option for a place to study, you'll probably only come here for the rolls.

Take me to town

49th Parallel

Close to downtown on Main Street, grab a Lucky's doughnut along with a nice big cup of London Fog to accompany your lecture notes that you have yet to catch up on. This is a really popular place, so it might take you a while to find a seat. But this is a good place to study if you don't need the Internet and in dire need to finish all those last-minute readings. 

Timbertrain Coffee Roasters

One of the few hipster cafes in Gastown, Timbertrain is a brilliant place for all you modernists out there. With their high tables and chairs, Timbertrain has a great ambience to get into the groove.

Revolver Coffee

This narrow and cozy coffee shop is also in Gastown and has cubicles of cute benches where you can have a solid group study session. Check out this video journey with fellow UBC student Christian Chan.

Elysian Coffee

Another chain coffee shop, the Elysian Coffee located on Burrard Street is almost a hidden gem for every college student. It's got a lovely minimalistic design and it's situated in a place that is accessible from UBC via the 44.

Bring me farther out

Matchstick Coffee

Down on E 15th Ave, you can find this chic cafe to help you focus on that paper. Like most of the suggestions made, this place is easily accessible through the 99 from UBC. 

Rocanini Coffee Roasters

Travel down to Kerrisdale for this welcoming and warm coffee shop during those dreary rainy days. They've got these cute patterned pillows that will keep your butt comfy while you tackle that textbook.

Roots Cafe

Close to Oakridge, this coffee shop offers vegan and gluten-free options. If you're into anything retro, this cafe has that vibe going on– although with a modern spin. Moreover, they make it their goal to serve affordable food, so that's another bonus for your wallet for that #studentbudget.

And that's it folks. A very condensed list of coffee shops for all you UBC students out there. Good luck to those who still have finals, we're all in this together.