
Top 5 Reasons to visit Dobra Tea Now

Dobra Tea, located just off Church Street in Burlington is basically a tea lover’s dream. It is the perfect spot to relax after a long week of midterms, or go with friends to warm up during the chilly Vermont winter. Still not convinced? Here are just some of the reason’s you need to visit as soon as possible:

1. The variety

Photo by Addison Zinner

Dobra supplies a menu with a huge variety of tea and food. Each tea is described in full detail, allowing the customer to find the tea perfect for their taste buds. There is a tea for everyone. My personal favorite is the Liu’an Gua Pian from their green tea selection. The smooth, earthy flavor and smell warms you right up.

2. It has a calming atmosphere

Photo by Addison Zinner

When you first walk into Dobra, you are immediately immersed in a whole new world. The dim light and the aroma of herbs and flowers allow a sense of calm to surround you. Candles, bohemian decorations, and soft music only add to this sense of peace. It’s so amazing you can’t help but just sit back, relax, and enjoy the moment. It’s like the restaurant equivalent of yoga.

3. The staff is super friendly

Photo by Jessica Payne

To add to the already calm atmosphere of Dobra, the staff is incredibly kind and helpful. They are willing to help answer any questions you may have about the menu and have fairly quick service.

4. It’s off the beaten path

Photo courtesy of

From the shiny hanging lamps, beautiful mugs and cups, and the comfortable seating arrangements, this is the place where hipster’s thrive. Coffee shops too mainstream for you? Dobra is your place.

5. The prices are reasonable

Photo by Addison Zinner

As college students, we are always looking for ways to save money. Considering the whole experience, the reasonable prices Dobra offers are well worth it.

To find out more about Dobra Tea, including their philosophy, story, menu and more, simply visit their website.

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