
The Good, The Great, and The Stinky: Tofu in Hong Kong

Think of tofu as a blank canvas, plain and colourless. It's this very trait that gives tofu the potential to be added to any recipe. It can soak up all kinds of flavours, allowing it to be cooked in a variety of ways. Without further ado, here is a list that brings together your best (and soon to be favourite) options for tofu in Hong Kong!

As a snack - Stinky Tofu (臭豆腐)

You'll smell it before you even catch sight of it. This iconic street food has earned it's name by emitting a stinky feet-esque, rotten milk stench. This smell is actually a result of the brine that is used to ferment the tofu before it meets it's fate in the deep fryer. These tofu cubes are typically soaked in a mixture of fermented milk, vegetables and meat. Inklings of dried shrimp, bamboo shoots, Chinese herbs and greens sometimes make their way into the mixture as well. Some say that the worse the dish of stinky tofu smells the better it'll taste. Are you willing to take that as a challenge?

For vegans and/or dim sum lovers - Beancurd Sheet Wraps (腐皮卷)

What do a duck and sheets of tofu have in common? Well, in Hong Kong, beancurd (basically tofu) sheets are referred to as 'vegetarian duck' even though it's texture and appearance are hardly anywhere close from looking or tasting like duck meat. Tofu sheet rolls are can be found at many dim sum places and are stuffed with carrots, mushroom, bamboo shoots and other vegetables. Though the dish is traditionally and most commonly meatless, do check with the waiter before ordering! They can be served in many ways: silky and tender surrounded by a shallow moat of soup, dripping in a thick flavourful sauce, or even fried.

As a side to go with rice - 'Mapo' Tofu (麻婆豆腐)

Though this dish originates from Szechuan, mapo tofu can be found on the dinner tables inside many Hong Kongnese households. It also has an international reputation, being loved by foodies from New York to Tokyo. The dish consists of firm tofu cut into small blocks, cooked in a spicy slurry with mincemeat and doubanjiang (豆瓣醬, a spicy chilli and bean paste). This slurry is usually quite thin and oily but definitely always a vivid, bright red. My heart rate is going up just looking at that picture!

For an authentic Hakka/Cantonese taste - Stuff Pan Fried Tofu (釀豆腐)

This dish marries the savoury crunch of golden, crispy pan fried tofu with the juicy succulence of minced meat. It's simple, a cavity is scooped out from the middle of a cube of firm tofu. Then a generous mound of chopped shrimp, beef or pork is added, seasoned and subsequently topped with garnish. Be on the lookout for this nugget of deliciousness the next time you're hanging around street food stalls, looking for a quick bite to warm you up and delight your tastebuds.

For dessert - Sweet Tofu Pudding (豆腐花)

Think of 'dou fu fa' as Chinese pudding, except healthier and dairy free. The softest, most silkiest tofu is served in a sweet soup of ginger or plain syrup. Hot or cold, your choice! It's sometimes served in coconut milk and paired with toppings such as red bean paste, grated rock sugar or lotus seed. More adventurous choices even includes mango, sago, caramel, m&m's - you name it.

Gone are the days where tofu is just a boring, mushy block that you have to put up with to meet your protein requirements. It can be stinky, stuffed, spicy, sweet... Whatever way it's cooked or flavoured, one thing that's guaranteed is it's deliciousness!