
The Tastiest Allergy Friendly Restaurant in LA

If you live in Los Angeles, you, or at least a couple of your friends, probably have some sort of food allergy.

While many restaurants in LA offer allergy-friendly options on their menus, these options often involve some sort of lackluster bowl of vegetables with sauce, leaving you and/or your allergy-ridden friends salivating over the real menu.

Enter Cruzer Pizza, the perfect allergy-friendly pizza, pasta, sandwich and salad restaurant located in Los Feliz, LA. It’s 100% vegan, offering an array of gluten-free options, without skimping on flavor or dish options.

Photo Courtesy of @cruzerveganpizza on Instagram

With dishes such as Vegan Pesto Chicken Pizza, Gluten-free Vegan Meat Spaghetti, and Vegan Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, you’re guaranteed a hearty meal that even your friends without allergies will enjoy.

To create these vegan, gluten-free dishes, Cruzer Pizza uses daiya cheese, which is made from filtered water, flours, pea protein, and coconut oil, and is free of wheat, soy or diary. The vegan meats are made with a mix of plant and soy protein, and the gluten-free pastas and pizza crusts are made from a mixture of gluten-free flours.

Photo Courtesy of @cruzerveganpizza on Instagram

Did I mention they serve dessert too?

If you’re on the hunt for some more vegan foods, check out these great articles: