
Why You Should Skip Class And Go To Insomnia Cookies Instead

We’ve all done it…skipped out on the lecture hall in favor of a midday snack or midday nap. Heck, I’m guilty. It was 2 pm and 84 degrees out. Any sane person in the south would have ran to the nearest sno-ball stand to happily suffer a brain freeze on the account of finely-chipped ice doused in a sugary syrup and condensed milk.

I, on the other hand, ran to Insomnia Cookies, desperate to see the hype surrounding LSU’s newest delivery service.

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The storefront is located at 128 West Chimes Street and is designed with the intention of being an in-and-out ordeal: There is minimal seating of only eight chairs and two benches that flank the door.

I strongly suggest making your visit during the day (open from 11 am to 3 am Monday-Saturday and 11 am to 12 am Sundays) because I can assure you that the night hours brings more traffic of cookie-craving college kids.

So here’s the deal. Insomnia Cookies offers a variety of 9 cookies at $1.35 a piece, including: sugar, chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin, snickerdoodle, M&M, peanut butter, double-chocolate mint, double-chocolate chunk and white chocolate macadamia. A current offer exists this spring that showcases the lemon white chocolate chip cookie.

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As if the promise of a melt-in-your-mouth (and hand) cookie wasn’t enough, the store also offers ice cream cookie sandwiches, made to your design and prone to drip into your lap with each bite.

Then there’s the best part (or worst if you’re like me and will abuse this power on the reg): Insomnia delivers warm, gooey cookies to your door or dorm until 3 am. So when you’re looking to fix your justified food cravings after a night out in Tigerland or are simply in the mood for Grandma’s cookies, just call Insomnia and “They’ll be there for youuu” (cue the Friends theme song, change some words around, you get the gist).

Photo by Rachel Croy

If you’re anything like me and have already skipped class three times now for a midday Insomnia visit, I would add their number, 877-63-COOKIE to your speed dial. Trust me, you’ll need it.

While you’re at it, open up your smart phone and download the Insomnia Cookies app (for free), which allows you to place and track your order from bake to delivery, or head over to their website to order online here.

Like this post? Check out more about Insomnia Cookies below: