
Saladelia's Pumpkin and Apple Rum Raisin Breads Go Head to Head

Unless you've been living under a rock at Duke, you've tried the famed baked goods from Saladelia Cafe in Von Der Hayden. Two fall favorites? Pumpkin bread and apple rum raisin. You might find yourself craving these breads on a daily basis, or just when you're away from Duke. I can personally attest to the fact that friendships have been threatened over which bread is better.

Inspired by a few fellow seniors amidst this stressful election season, I set out to end the discussion once and for all. I asked the Duke student population to elect their favorite Saladelia bread, as well as requested quotes. Read on to find out the results!

Pumpkin Bread

Number of Votes: 108

The Pros

“Society limits pumpkin to the Halloween season," says senior Kendra, "but Saladelia is my savior. They celebrate the wonderous elements of pumpkin year-round, which is well deserved."

"Pumpkin bread is dessert you’re allowed to eat for breakfast," says senior Kayla.

Junior Sarah adds, "I'm gluten intolerant and I still eat the pumpkin bread, because that's just how good it is."

"The real long distance relationship I'm in is with pumpkin bread," jokes junior Lauren.

The Cons

"The end pieces of the pumpkin bread are absolute garbage," says sophomore Izzie.

"This bread is so bland, I really don't understand the obsession," notes freshman Amy.

Apple Rum Raisin Bread

Number of Votes: 21

The Pros

"If it's 11:50 pm in Perkins and I happen to glance at the clock, I'll sprint to Vondy to get apple rum raisin bread. Then I hoard it in the library until I finish my work," says senior Kaley.

"Sometimes when I'm feeling healthy, I just eat the cooked apples out of the bread," claims senior Nora.

"Apple rum raisin is my lifeblood. I'm dreaming about it while abroad," exclaims junior Anna.

The Cons

"¿What is apple rum raisin bread?" jokes senior Abi.

"You spend half the time picking out raisins from the bread because they put way too many in there," states senior Helen. 

"Every time I eat a raisin, I'm disappointed that it's not a chocolate chip," says junior Maria.

The clear winner? Pumpkin bread in a landslide. "The only reason I go to Perkins is because of pumpkin bread," affirms junior Natalie.

Breaking hearts – and potentially friendships – across campus, pumpkin bread takes its rightful spot as the better bread on campus. "This is a serious rift in our friendship" junior Morgan says to Anna (the apple rum raisin fan).

Some students aren't offended by the opponent, but stand their ground in support of their favorite. "It's not that we're against apple rum raisin," seniors Brandon and Graeme remark, "we just think pumpkin bread is significantly better."

So there you have it: your fellow Duke students have spoken. Say what you will, but pumpkin bread will always reign supreme.