
How to Revamp Your Bodo’s Bagel Order

It’s pretty impossible to get tired of Bodo’s with their freshly baked bagels and array of options, but it’s also easy to get stuck in a slump and keep ordering the same thing. Now that spring is fast approaching, try mixing it up with some fresh flavors that will elevate your Bodo’s game.

Try these 7 bagel hacks for a new-and-improved Bodo’s experience that you should most definitely enjoy on the lawn in front of the almost Insta-worthy rotunda (we are getting impatient here).

1. Pesto

Photo by Juliet Paterek

Add pesto to your breakfast or lunch sandwich for a new burst of flavor and color. The tangy pesto makes a BEC sandwich taste even more heavenly, and is super flavorful while not being overwhelming. My go-to Bodo’s breakfast order is egg whites, avocado, and pesto. Try it and you can thank me later.

2. Peanut Butter

Photo courtesy of @cvillebites on Instagram

If you don’t eat peanut butter on bagels, you are doing it wrong. The peanut butter and jelly bagel from Bodo’s is an underrated classic. You can choose from crunchy or smooth, and either way it hits the spot. With the same creamy consistency as cream cheese, peanut butter provides protein and is a good fix for a sweet tooth.

#SpoonTip: Feeling adventurous? Try a peanut butter and bacon bagel sandwich — how could two great things be bad together?

3. Everything Whole Wheat Bagel

Photo by Juliet Paterek

I know what you’re thinking, whole wheat bagels come nowhere near the soft and pillowy texture of a good ‘ol white bagel. Normally I would agree, but Bodo’s whole wheat bagels have the same great texture and flavor of all of its other white bagel types.

The whole wheat everything bagel is packed with whole grains, keeping you full much longer and getting you through those rough, early morning classes. I promise you won’t even realize the difference between the white and whole wheat bagel, simply because they’re that good. So next time try your typical order on whole wheat, add a little pesto or peanut butter, and have the best bagel of your life.

4. Honey

Photo courtesy of

Honey is so darn good on virtually anything savory or sweet. Add honey to your bagel with cream cheese for a mixture of sweet and creamy, and if you’re going to eat it at home, throw on some apple slices for the best bagel sandwich you will ever have.

#SpoonTip: Feel like going simple or light? Butter and honey is a great option.

5. Avocado

Photo courtesy of @cvillebites on Instagram

Subbing avocado for cream cheese is the best decision you can make. With a similar texture and delicious flavor, avocado is not only healthier, but is also perfect with any type of egg-meat-cheese-veggie combination. If you’re in an avocado toast mood, try a salt bagel with avocado spread and pesto.

6. Turkey

Photo courtesy of @everything_bagel on Instagram

Over the ham, sausage, or bacon thing for breakfast? Try turkey on your breakfast bagel. It’s much lighter than breakfast meats, is packed with flavor and pairs perfectly with eggs, veggies, and cheeses. This one is a game changer.

7. 3-Cheese

Photo courtesy of @everything_bagels on Instagram

Sometimes you just want a good ‘ol egg and cheese breakfast bagel. But please tell me you don’t settle for just one type of cheese when you can choose between american, cheddar, muenster, provolone and swiss. Choose your favorite three and it’s practically like eating a breakfast grilled cheese. Don’t worry, I’m going to Bodo’s tomorrow to get this one, too.

Spring is a time for sunshine, flowers, and of course, delicious Bodo’s bagels. Start switching it up make the rest of this semester the best food semester yet.

Wanna keep munching and brunching? Check these out: