The gaping hole in the middle of campus is seriously uncool, but if you’ve peeked into the EMU construction zone lately, you may have noticed that The Fishbowl is undergoing a major facelift. New restaurants seem to be opening up every week, and the food options are just getting better and better. With two stories worth of restaurants set to open by next September, The Erb Memorial Union is going to forever change your weekday lunch game.

Photo by Judy Holtz
Starbucks is already up and running in The Fishbowl, so if you can brave the long lines and construction noises, you won’t have to walk down 13th just to get a PSL before your midterm.

Photo by Judy Holtz
The other restaurant currently open is Panda Express, which had a glorious resurrection after temporarily closing when the EMU shut down for construction.

Photo by Judy Holtz
Joe’s has been getting a lot of campus attention in its food truck location, but the burger joint will be setting up permanent residence in the EMU within the next five weeks. The other restaurant coming before winter break is Subway, which has all your sandwich and soft-baked cookie needs covered.

Photo by Judy Holtz
Perhaps the most talked about part of the new EMU is the addition of Chipotle, which is set to open at the end of January.

Photo courtesy of Falling Sky Brewing
The restaurants opening on the bottom floor of the EMU have received a lot less buzz than Chipotle and Starbucks have, but are still pretty noteworthy scores for on-campus dining. Falling Sky Brewing will be opening a pizza joint and pub, which is sure to be one of the coolest hangout spots on campus. Also adding to the local flavor of the EMU is Townshend’s Tea, which will be opening a cute little teahouse on the first floor. The university will also be running a convenience store for all of students’ grab-and-go food needs.
The EMU grand opening isn’t set until September 2016, but these restaurants will be springing up throughout the year, guaranteeing you’ll never have to run home for lunch between classes again.