The Old Stone Jug isn’t really know for its food. When I told people I was writing this article the most common response was: “They only have jug dogs.” It’s not surprising people are unaware of the Jug’s dining options since, in the wise words of John Jug, “people just come here for the atmosphere, for the good time, for the last resort. They’re not here for food.”
Well my friends, it turns out that the Jug actually has a plethora of savory options to feed the drunk soul. So if you feel like mixing it up and trying something other than Slices to cure your late night munchies, listen up because I have the inside scoop on all the food the jug has to offer.
I began this experiment by ordering five options off the menu. While I waited I asked Jug employees how they felt about the food served there.
“I’m personally a fan of the food because I work here, but people don’t know much about our food because they just come here for the atmosphere, for the good time. When you’re trying to pick up a girl the last thing you want to do is put something in your mouth.” – John Jug
“No comment. I like my job.” – Anonymous

Photo by Julia Benson
1. Jug dogs

Photo by Julia Benson
I started out with the classic Jug dog. These are definitely a solid choice if you ever get hungry on the dance floor. I have no complaints towards them and can understand why they’re the go-to meal choice here.
2. Chicken Nuggets

Photo by Julia Benson
My stomach is still going strong as I dig into the second course. These may have actually been my favorite out of everything I sampled. Plus there was honey mustard involved here so I was automatically a fan.
3. Personal Cheese Pizza

Photo by Julia Benson
I’m clearly starting to question what I’ve been putting into my body tonight.

Photo by Julia Benson
The pizza was vaguely reminiscent of the frozen pizzas I ate as a kid and I didn’t hate it. It would have been better if it was a bit less blackened and had more cheese, but honestly what isn’t better with more cheese?
4. Soft Pretzels

Photo by Julia Benson
These were a bit crunchier than the name implies but if I had drank a gladiator before eating it the pretzel would have been the perfect warm and comforting snack.
5. Mozzarella Sticks
Oh no. I forgot there were still mozzarella sticks. How is there still more food coming? My body is about ready to admit defeat.

Photo by Julia Benson
The best word I can come up with to describe these is puffy, which was a bit unsettling and made them my least favorite of this sampling. You can’t really go wrong with fried cheese when you’re drunk though.
This experience has left me with a better knowledge of the wide range of snacks available to Jug rats (plus a slight stomach ache.) Overall I would say the food is decent, but should be enjoyed drunk for best results.