
The Incredible Canadian Food You’ve Been Missing Out On

We know Canada is great for maple syrup, snow and incredibly polite strangers, but it’s also sitting on the fabulous creation that is poutine. At its core, poutine is made up of French fries drenched in gravy and cheese curds. Think cheese fries meet home-cooked comfort food! The best part of this well-kept Canadian secret is its ability to morph into many different culinary spheres. Over the past week in Montreal, I’ve discovered for you three of the most exciting ways poutine can be devoured.

The Drunk Poutine

Photo Courtesy of Flickr

Canada is famous for the Molson beer and yes, this is a perfect mate for poutine. After a night out, it’s easy to find a take-out place that’s open late, serving poutine to cold and tired partygoers. This hot, cheesy concoction is a very important addition to the end of your night. Here are some quotes I overheard while rounding out my evening with a plate of poutine:

Enough said.

The Fast Food Poutine

Photo Courtesy of Flickr

If you’ve got a hankering for poutine on the run, there’s no need to fret quite yet. Canadian McDonald’s have poutine on their menu. Madness! Of course this is not the best poutine you will ever have; McDonald’s French fries don’t hold up too well under a bath of gravy and hot cheese. With that said, the cheese curds are surprisingly tasty and although the gravy is a little thin, the familiar spicy smoke taste is definitely there. I’d give it three out of five stars.

The Artisan Poutine

Photo Courtesy of Alex Vu

Classic poutine is delicious, but many Canadian restaurants have created their own poutine masterpieces. For example, many gastro-pubs and burger joints offer a poutine burger or hot dog. It’s common to find poutine filled with chicken and any combination of bacon, onions, green peppers and other kinds of cheeses. My personal favorite was a caramelized onion and bleu cheese creation. The sweet onion and tangy bleu cheese go perfectly with the earthy gravy taste. Yum!

If you’re looking for more articles involving creative fries, check these out!