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I Tried Chipotle’s Queso and Here’s What You Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UNCW chapter.

Like many Tex-Mex fanatics, I cried tears of joy when I found out Chipotle was coming out with their own queso, the liquid gold of cheese. I didn’t expect to try it so soon, but when the opportunity came a-knockin’, I came a-eatin’. Here’s what you need to know about Chipotle’s queso.


Chipotle's queso cappuccino chocolate
McKenna Nelson

I’ll be honest, I didn’t go into this experience with a completely open mind. I read a BuzzFeed article about Chipotle’s new queso, so I kind of knew what I was getting myself into. However, I also knew that my taste buds are quite unique and I might end up loving it. I didn’t go to Chipotle specifically to try the new queso, I was just going there for a regular old burrito bowl lunch while at my internship in Colorado and happened to stumble across it. I didn’t have much time to weigh the pros and cons so I dove right in. 


Chipotle's queso russian dressing sweet
McKenna Nelson

Compared to most queso dips you get at local Mexican restaurants and Tex-Mex chains, Chipotle’s queso was a little different. It looked more like the cheese dip you get with nachos at the movie theater, almost like Velveeta, but thicker.

The container was piping hot because it was freshly scooped just for me, so that was definitely a plus. I could see and smell the spices as soon as I opened the container, so I knew my taste buds were in for a wild ride.


Chipotle's queso chocolate ice
McKenna Nelson

It definitely did not have the texture of most queso dips. It was much thicker, kind of like runny mashed potatoes. As a person who gets really excited over a good cheese pull, this queso flopped…literally.

I would describe it almost as lumpy. Definitely not like the runny, white goodness I am used to. My ideal queso is the kind that requires 2 chips — one for dipping and one for parting the seas of the cheese pull so you don’t get queso on your clothes and face.

The cheese pull with Chipotle’s queso was like my beginning-of-senior-year-motivation…nonexistent. So overall, I’d say it had an unpleasant texture.


Chipotle's queso sauce cream
McKenna Nelson

Although I wasn’t particularly jazzed by the texture of this queso, I decided the taste might be its redeeming quality. You can’t judge a book by its cover, am I right?

Unfortunately, the taste didn’t really wow me either. It had a good amount of spice, but I just didn’t get the mmmmm feeling I normally get from the first bite of queso. It was more of an “uhhhh okay,” and that isn’t what queso should do.

Part of the reason I find queso so amazing in general is because it’s beyond what my college kid cooking skills can create on my own. Chipotle’s queso seemed like it was just melted cheese and spices. It was definitely not anything to write home about. 

Final Thoughts

I would definitely not order this again. In all honestly, the texture and taste did not even come close to my expectations. For such a renowned brand, Chipotle really dropped the ball on this one. Is queso really queso without a mile-long cheese pull? Not in my mind. I know the guac costs extra, but as for their queso, save your money.

I am a Special Education major graduating from the Dub in 2018. I train assistance dogs for paws4people so I love dogs, and I am constantly surrounded by them. I love food, and I am always cooking/baking for my friends and myself and taking pictures of my food of course. I have successfully found some great lesser-known restaurants/markets around Wilmington I am excited to share with everyone. Fun fact: I make killer guacamole!