
Goldleaf Hydroponics Encourages All to Grow Their Own Food

When I hear about new food-related businesses around Bloomington, I’m quick to jump up and learn more. Within the past year, we've had a few like inBloom Juicery at The Fresh Fork and the new Soma location, but Goldleaf Hydroponics Indoor Garden Supply brought a different element to the dinner table. 

How it Started

Kyle and Monica Billman, graduates of Indiana University, started their business of hydroponics with some inspiration and passion pulled from Worm’s Way, another Bloomington business focused on hydroponics. Kyle worked with Worm’s Way for about three years and after they closed he felt he had to carry on his passion of caring for plants and decided to open Goldleaf Hydroponics.

What is Hydroponics?

Goldleaf Hydroponics is a retailer of gardening supplies of the indoor and outdoor variety. From organic soil to hydroponic nutrients and indoor lighting elements, they can provide all the supplies your gardening heart desires. But what is hydroponics? Hydroponics is the process of growing plants in materials, like water, with the addition of nutrients that promote growth.

What Goldleaf is Doing Now

The Billman’s opened Goldleaf in hopes of providing resources for a movement to a sustainable environment. Their mission: “bringing innovative and sustainable cultivation products and practices to hobby and commercial gardeners locally and across the country.”

They believe this change begins with individuals at home who are interested in growing their own plants and produce. According to Kyle, “It’s as easy as you want it to be and don’t be intimidated”. If you want to get started, Goldleaf currently holds monthly classes on the last Saturday of every month at 12 pm. During these classes, attendees will participate in seminars, be offered snacks and will rec a 10% discount after the class. 

A Look Into the Future

As their business grows, Goldleaf's goal is to offer an internship through Indiana University next fall, either as a paid internship or for credit. Three years from now, Goldleaf is hopeful for more growth in terms of space and plants; a greenhouse or conservatory, an outdoor garden plot, and a plastic greenhouse with vegetables are on the horizon. 

With more care for the environment and what is being consumed, Goldleaf hopes more people turn to hydroponics as a way to enter the gardening world. So save those green onion roots or the base of a head of lettuce, place them in a jar of water and taste the satisfaction of growing your own produce.