
Example Restaurant Post

Jean shorts accusamus vegan, disrupt lo-fi biodiesel dolore farm-to-table PBR 90’s pop-up fugiat labore beard. Mustache excepteur chillwave, Carles tattooed keytar Shoreditch nisi. In iPhone pork belly dreamcatcher sed non pop-up forage, fap Intelligentsia cred church-key meggings sriracha small batch. Flexitarian roof party actually ex. Aliquip organic nisi cred adipisicing, tattooed vero cornhole est four loko. Pour-over Bushwick letterpress Terry Richardson, est banh mi Brooklyn roof party DIY Neutra mumblecore. Craft beer iPhone scenester nisi.

Intelligentsia Odd Future food truck disrupt biodiesel chambray drinking vinegar sapiente, typewriter quis leggings occaecat ethnic. Put a bird on it ad kogi id fashion axe. Photo booth letterpress slow-carb, +1 whatever sartorial mumblecore eiusmod drinking vinegar aute messenger bag. Deserunt disrupt keffiyeh irony, fingerstache lomo mixtape. Single-origin coffee irony cornhole mumblecore, synth ugh cray. Et lo-fi incididunt, mollit hoodie iPhone consectetur. Pop-up McSweeney’s bitters, wayfarers freegan occaecat tattooed eu incididunt cornhole viral vegan.

Photo by Spoon University

Non chia anim nulla street art. Velit Vice XOXO, leggings odio sriracha Echo Park +1 eu incididunt before they sold out cray lo-fi tote bag. Small batch eu cupidatat, est biodiesel duis ethical mixtape excepteur enim bicycle rights Godard. Narwhal sunt irony, 3 wolf moon whatever proident raw denim. Placeat pug Schlitz, ad paleo Austin laboris cornhole ea. Excepteur organic vinyl non, biodiesel adipisicing forage. Cupidatat ut PBR, ullamco before they sold out Austin dreamcatcher single-origin coffee ugh letterpress incididunt est lo-fi mollit.

Disrupt velit you probably haven’t heard of them, four loko ad pariatur et deserunt keffiyeh. Pickled commodo elit fixie, distillery veniam Shoreditch placeat mollit ennui. Et cliche YOLO incididunt. Disrupt beard consequat twee plaid aliqua, chambray occupy literally. Blog adipisicing nihil literally Wes Anderson. Organic 8-bit do, YOLO chillwave PBR meh dreamcatcher Neutra McSweeney’s master cleanse est. Laborum nihil readymade, synth banh mi ut photo booth meggings plaid Vice fixie.


Photo by Spoon University


Location:  746 W. Webster Ave, Chicago IL 60614
Hours of operation: Mon-Fri: 8am-3pm, Sat-Sun 8am-4pm