
Everything You Need to Know About Smorgasburg LA

The wildly popular Brooklyn-based market has officially landed on the West Coast. Smorgasburg began in 2011 as a space for chefs and food lovers to come together every Sunday during the summer. Its long-awaited arrival to Downtown Los Angeles means that instead of drooling over Instagram photo, Californians can finally try it out themselves.

The Alameda Produce Market houses Smorgasburg and its vendors on a five acre property. Coming from LA, your first anxious thought is probably about parking. Thankfully, there’s no need to fret because a 4,000 spot parking garage was just built and is free for the first two hours.

Photo by Dorothy Ballowe

Like any good food connoisseur, I read up on what Smorgasburg treats I shouldn’t miss out on. Images of lobster, poke, ramen burgers, and large mozzarella stick floated through my head.

Photo by Dorothy Ballowe

The first item I tried was Amaze Bowls‘ Acai Mini. It was 105 degrees and all I wanted was something cold. Acai, blueberries, pineapple, banana, agave, and hemp milk are blended together to make a delightful bowl topped with fresh fruit and coconut shavings. Rumor has it that they’re opening a brick and mortar at the Venice boardwalk this summer.

Photo by Dorothy Ballowe

Good bagels aren’t just found in New York. Maury’s Bagels filled my heart with love, happiness, and carbs. My everything bagel was topped with scallion shmear.

My wallet started to cry a little, telling me that I couldn’t try everything, so I made a list for my next visit. Lobsterdamus serves up lobster nachos and whole grilled lobsters. #Eggsoneggsoneggs can be found at Monsieur Egg. NanaPops, because who doesn’t love frozen banana dipped in chocolate. And of course, the notorious ramen burger and raindrop cake.

Photo by Dorothy Ballowe

Please enjoy this photo of me as a smiling slice of pizza.

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