
Where to Eat in Iowa City After Bombing an Exam

Whether it’s midterms or finals, there’s always going to be that one test you could have done better on. Maybe you’re a straight-A student and receiving a B is just too much for you to handle (boo hoo, life is hard). Or maybe you’re like any other student and at some point in your college career you’ve walked out of a test certain that you’ve failed. Trust me, I’ve been there.

So what are you supposed to do after something like this? Head straight for the library and study harder for the next one? No, don’t even let that thought cross your mind. It’s time to move on to bigger and better things like eating your feelings. Here are my suggestions, which are strictly based on my own experience, of where you should be heading after your exam.


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I don’t care what anyone says, there is nothing better than drowning your sorrows in queso, so go ahead and pay the extra dollar for it. That cheesy goodness makes all of your worries disappear, which is why Pancheros is the perfect cure for when you’re down and out. I actually heard from a “friend” that their freshly pressed tortillas are perfect for drying tears. This kind of absorbency power is just what you need when eating a burrito because doing poorly on an exam and having a burrito fall apart all in one day is just too much to handle.


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There is no limit to what Mesa can put on a pizza. Chances are, if you want it, they’ve got it. There’s the cult favorite mac & cheese pizza, the ever so satisfying guacamole burrito, and the fiery chili cheese fry just to name a few. You know the feeling of emptiness that overcame you as you handed over your test to your smiling professor? You can fill that with pizza you thought only existed in your dreams! Another bonus is that for lunch you can get two slices of pizza and a drink for $7.50. Compared to what you’re throwing away in tuition you have to admit that’s not a bad price.

Short’s Burger & Shine

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So if you did pretty bad on your exam you’ll have no problem picking from one of the 20 enticing burger options at Short’s. If you did really bad on your exam they also have a great selection of craft beer to help you forget. Short’s is the most expensive of these three suggestions, but there’s nothing wrong with having a “treat yo self” moment after getting the rug pulled out from under you. It’s also a great place to sit back and reminisce on what your GPA once was. The roomy booths allow you and your whole study group to fit comfortably so you can all sulk together. Just make sure that after this meal you never talk to these people again since they had a role in your failure.

The bottom line is that college is tough. There will be plenty of times where your grade in no way reflects the work that you put in. Don’t get too hung up on this though because life goes on, and food will always be there to lift your spirits.

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