
For Just $9 You Can Take Selfies With Llamas and Taste Wine at This Vineyard

If you go to Wake Forest University, you know that there's a lot of fun, quirky activities to do in Winston-Salem. What you probably don't know, though, is that the rural and seemingly desolate towns surrounding the Tre Fo also offer plenty of entertainment. One of these places is located in East Bend, North Carolina, about 20 minutes off of Wake's campus. It's the one and only Divine Llama Vineyards

This place is truly ~magical~ because it combines (in my opinion) two of the best things in the world — wine and llamas. The vineyard produces 10 wine varieties from the grapes and grape hybrids that they grow, and is also home to around 70 mammal friends including llamas, ponies, chickens, donkeys, and dogs. You can taste all 10 wines (5 red, 5 white) for $9. This astonishingly low price also includes crackers and chocolate as palate cleansers and a glass to take home as a souvenir.  The wines are named after the special hybrid grapes (i.e. Chardonel) or the llamas on the farm (i.e. Mustang Sally), and you get to learn the story behind each one of the wines as you are served your sip to taste. These stories are complete with photos of the llamas so you get a visual. My biggest question: How in the world do the people who work at the vineyard tell the llamas apart from each other?

I'm not much of a wine connoisseur, but my personal favorites were the Red Rita Rose and the Mustang Sally, both of which are named after show llamas that lived on Divine Llama Vineyards

After tasting, you can purchase a glass of your favorite wine or a bottle to split with friends, and walk around the property to meet the animals. The llamas are so friendly and love taking selfies! (See llama selfie below).

Divine Llama Vineyards is the perfect getaway for any Wake student who's itching to get out of the bubble for a few hours. It's also a great place to bring parents when they come to visit. It's both affordable and and completely unlike any other vineyard or farm you'll ever visit.