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Coffee Shops in Chicago to Study at When the Library is Full

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at DePaul chapter.

We’ve all been there: the semester is almost over and finals are looming over your head. You decide that you’re going to be a responsible student for the first time this semester and actually do some studying. You make a to-do list, pack up everything you will need and head to the library only to find that every other student at your school decided to do the same exact thing. Now what?

Lucky for you, I have taken it upon myself to find three different coffee shops in Chicago’s Lincoln Park area with three unique atmospheres to serve any kind of studier. 

For the “peace and quiet” seekers: The Bourgeois Pig or as the locals like to call it, the BP.

coffee shops tea coffee
Bailley Leppert

First of all, no one actually calls it the BP, I just made that up. Or maybe they do… it does have a nice ring to it. Anyway, this choice will be no surprise to many DePaul students as it is a favorite among many for its close proximity to campus and its antique aesthetic. The atmosphere is more like a historical library instead of an urban coffee shop.

The food ranges from sandwiches named after literature classics to cake and candy, including vegetarian options. The Bourgeois Pig offers four different areas for all-day studying, including an outdoor space and an upstairs that is best for quiet concentration.

It is open until 9:00 pm and I recommend going during the week if you want to avoid the weekend crowd. 

coffee shops wine beer
Bailley Leppert

For the ‘I-will-go-crazy-in-dead-silence’ studiers: Osmium Coffee Bar

coffee shops beer wine
Bailley Leppert

This place is for the people who study with music blasting from their headphones at such a high volume that other people could sing along. This place is for the people who could live off of coffee and coffee alone, because besides a few pastries, that’s all they offer.

Quick side note, I have to give it to those coffee addicts out there. I don’t know how you do it because only one small Agave Latte from Osmium left my mind buzzing. Osmium’s atmosphere is also buzzing with loud, upbeat music and a dark, artistic aesthetic. However, the sunny and quiet patio outside is a stark contrast to the dark and cluttered coffee shop, with its painted tables and overgrown plants.

So don’t fear “peace and quiet” seekers, Osmium is still an option for you, as long as the weather cooperates. Osmium Coffee Bar is open until 9:00 pm.

coffee shops wine tea
Bailley Leppert

For the Goldilocks studier: The Bagelers Coffeehouse

coffee shops beer coffee
Bailley Leppert

This place is for those in-betweeners that want a place that’s quiet but not dead silent. This small coffee shop is what I would call tastefully rustic. The décor alone had me wanting to hang out there all day. The warm, earthy tones and clean and simple floral arrangements on the tables made me feel motivated to churn out a 10-page paper. Also, the music choice varied from today’s hits to 80’s classics and had me singing along, much to the annoyance of the other customers.

Most importantly, Bagelers offers a modest list of bagels and spreads with plenty of hot and cold drinks. This includes unique fall drinks like Bourbon Vanilla Chai Latte, which had such a cinnamon and nutmeg fragrance that rivaled a Bath & Body Works candle.

The Bagelers Coffeehouse is open until 10:00 pm during the week and 8:00 pm on the weekends. 

coffee shops mocha chocolate
Bailley Leppert

This list could go on for pages because there is no shortage of charming coffee shops in Chicago. That being said, it can be overwhelming deciding where to go when you need to get sh*t done. That is why I provided what I believe to be some of the best options close to the DePaul Lincoln Park campus. So get to work, because finals are right around the corner. 

Hey there, I'm Bailley! I am a PR & Advertising major from small-town Minnesota just trying to make it in the big, bad city of Chicago (cliche, I know). I love food, Gilmore Girls, and pretending I'm a full-functioning adult.