
Blueberries Food and Drink Takes Brunch to the Next Level

Just when we thought the Brunswick area couldn’t house any more restaurants, another amazing brunch place was added to the mix. Blueberries Food and Drink, located at 4 Bowdoin Mill Island (within walking distance from campus), is a beautiful, relatively new restaurant that serves breakfast and lunch.

Blueberries Food and Drink offers American, as well as California-Mexican influenced meals. Along with your staple breakfast foods, the masterminds in the kitchen offer such original creations as “Frosty’s donut french toast.” Two of the best foods melded into one magnificent breakfast…what more could you ask for?

Photo by Tessa Epstein

If that wasn’t enough to catch your eye, you can also check out the one and only “Blueberry Sunrise” breakfast sandwich. This Blueberries creation is an egg, cheddar, and sausage on blueberry muffin tops.

Photo by Tessa Epstein

Their entire menu is delicious and diverse, and it’s difficult to choose just one thing. I personally ended up ordering two items because I couldn’t decide.

Check out Blueberries’ Facebook page, which includes more pictures, their menu, and their specials.

Their menu provides yummy and reasonably priced food, but better yet, Bowdoin students get an additional 10% off discount. As long as you tell them you’re a Bowdoin student, and you bring along your student ID, Blueberries will deduct 10% from your entire meal.

The owner, Drew, told me that the goal of Blueberries was to create a place where customers could walk in and feel like they had just gone home to their mom’s kitchen. A place where the food was fresh, creative, and homemade from scratch.

Photo by Tessa Epstein

Blueberries Food and Drink has certainly achieved this mission. The instant you set foot in the space, it feels like you are home. The local art covering the walls, the natural light that brightens room, and the smells of cooking all contribute to a homey and welcoming atmosphere that you can’t help but enjoy.

Check out some other great ideas for brunch below: