
Best Movie Theatre Snacks Complete For Any Movie

Whether you prefer sweet, salty or crunchy, there is definitely a movie snack option out there for everyone. Here are some movie theatre snack ideas just right for watching Wonder Woman save the world to Spiderman making his thundering return to the big screen.

1. Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are one of your safest bets when it comes to movie theatre food. Since they are so popular, they are typically being made constantly. You can also dress up your hot dog according to your own style. Add some jalapeños for a spicy kick, a side of nacho cheese, or just plain ketchup. On a side note, avoid the pizza, as it often tends to sit out far longer than should be allowed. Also skip the chicken tenders- $6.00 for three small frozen pieces of chicken isn’t worth it.

2. Pretzels

This was by far the most popular break food item among all our employees. Craving something sweet? A cinnamon pretzel will take care of your sweet tooth. Need something on the salty side? Order a salted pretzel. And if you want to be somewhat healthy? Opt for a plain pretzel.

3. Nachos

This is a great option for those who may not be popcorn enthusiasts. When it comes to movie theatre snacks, nachos often come in sealed pre-packaged boxes and a portioned cup of cheese. Need an extra cheese? You’ll probably have to pay for that, but it might be worth splurging on so you don’t have to get up mid movie just to order more if you run out.

4. Tollhouse Cookie Sandwich

This one is a personal favorite as I never can quite resist the combination of chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream. Plus, when it's super hot outside, nothing is more refreshing than ice cream. The Tollhouse Cookie Sandwich makes for a delightful dessert, especially if you just went out for a dinner date before your movie. 

5. Candy

Now, any boxed candy offered at the movie theatre will probably be massively sized, and odds are you probably won’t be interested in sharing with your fellow movie-watcher. After working for two years at the movie theatre, I easily sold thousands of boxed candy. The most popular choice by customers would definitely have to be Peanut M&Ms, Red Vines, and Buncha Crunch. However, choose whatever your heart desires, especially since candy is always an excellent movie theatre snack. 

6. Popcorn

And at last, you can never go wrong with a traditional bag of popcorn. Here’s a note when it comes to popcorn bag sizes: your eyes are much bigger than your stomach. A Small bag is usually enough for one person, a Medium bag can be split between two, and a Large should be shared by a family. Trust me, I have seen way too many half eaten large bags of popcorn thrown away or shoved far beneath seats while cleaning up after the movie. If you still don’t believe a large bag really is enough to last you for two hours, here’s an inside secret: ask what size comes with a FREE refill, and get it at the same time of your purchase to avoid coming back.