
Band Geeks Eat: Bowl Game Trips

Band geeks love to eat and they love to travel. Every year at the conclusion of the football regular season play, the Oregon Marching Band travels to perform at the bowl game that the University of Oregon Ducks football team is competing in. Recent bowl game trips include the 2012 Rose Bowl and the 2013 Valero Alamo Bowl. During these trips, band members receive the highly coveted per diem for all meals that are not provided by the Oregon Athletic Bands. Per diem in hand, band members explore and search for the best meals in between rehearsals and performances. Here are some of the most memorable meals that band members have eaten while on band trips.

Robert Wery, Flute, Journalism

Roscoes during the Rose Bowl two years ago. It’s like no other restaurant I’ve ever been to before. It’s like a fourth meal, but on a whole different level above Taco Bell.”

Photo by Hannah Giardina

Nicole Stanger, Alto Saxophone, Journalism

“Oh that barbecue place [The County Line] on the River Walk in San Antonio, it was so delicious. I had chicken and potatoes.”

Photo by Hannah Giardina

Zachary Horn, Mellophone, Theater

“The free alcohol that was given to us. The Embassy Suites Hotel in San Antonio had free drinks for hotel guests. It was so great!”

Photo By Hannah Giardina

Emma Kleck, Trumpet, Human Physiology

“The New Year’s Eve dinner at the 2012 Rose Bowl at Bubba Gump, that was super fun!”

Photo by Hannah Giardina

Derek White, Sousaphone, Music Education

Fatburger. It was 5 minutes away from our hotel on the Rose Bowl trips. The sousaphones went probably four out of the six nights we were there. It has great greasy, cheap burgers.”

Photo by Hannah Giardina

Brittany Reese, Color Guard, Undeclared with a Business minor

“There is this pizza place on the River Walk in San Antonio called Pizzaritas. It is yummalicious!”

Photo by Hannah Giardina

Recently the band has traveled extensively, making these restaurants the top picks and most memorable out of multiple cities traveled to. So if you ever find yourself in San Antonio or the Pasadena area, try one of these restaurants.