
Where to Get Puppy Chow on Outrageous Ice Cream Flavors in Houston

Sitting on the edge of Rice Village in Houston, Texas, Cloud 10 Creamery looks like any other ice cream shop. A slick, bright interior with small tables and a big, transparent display case for their ice cream. Cloud 10 Creamery differs from the rest is by its outrageous flavors. With the cupcake and artisanal donut crazes still dominating the hearts of dessert lovers, Cloud 10 reminds us that ice cream can still be cool.

Photo courtesy of @masondaumas on Instagram

Cloud 10 Creamery has ten flavors they keep year round, and ten flavors that change by the season. Each of these flavors are usually traditional with a twist, or something completely unique. Among the ten original flavors are toasted rice, Nutella with marshmallow, vanilla bean, and mango pineapple sorbet.

Photo by Olivia Hasse

The rotating seasonal favors are what you should look out for, though. Equally as delicious as their original flavors and always exciting. Some of the favorites that I’ve dared to try were sour cream and banana, goat cheese and milk chocolate, and a watermelon basil sorbet.

These out-of-the-ordinary flavors may cause some skepticism nut with just one taste you’ll see strange combinations of flavors work in unthinkable ways. Who knew that goat cheese could be dessert? Or that I would actually enjoy cilantro in my ice cream?

Photo by Olivia Hasse

Their toppings are just as outrageous. Like their ice creams, they mix traditional toppings with out of the ordinary toppings. Some, like puppy chow, make you question why that isn’t a more common topping everywhere. Others, like Nutella powder and candied sesame seeds are for when you’re feeling extra adventurous.

Photo courtesy of @cloud10creamery on Instagram

Cloud 10 Creamery blends their ice creams a half gallon at a time. Dedicated to their craft and maintaining high quality standards, it makes them stand apart from other ice cream shops. The man behind it all is award-winning Pastry Chef Chris Leung. Chef Chris brings a creative force, striving to create the most interesting, fresh, and delicious flavors.

Before you crinkle your nose or question the flavor combinations, taste test a few of the crazier options Cloud 10 Creamery has to offer. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by these exciting and enticing flavors, and then disappointed that you can’t fit them all into one cup.


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