The Cronut from Dominique Ansel: the beautiful creation that is a crossover between a croissant and doughnut. Yes, it is as amazing as it sounds. Every month, DA has a new flavor, and for October it was Horchata Caramel (YUM). After learning this, I knew I HAD to go.
I have been through the process of getting a Cronut once before in April: get there before 7:15am for a good spot in line and wait for the doors to open at 8am (9am on Sundays). Although it sounds tedious, it is DEFINITELY worth it and actually kind of fun. Almost like waiting in line at Disney. In fact, they handed out delicious hot chocolate and freshly made Madeleines while we waited.
Considering it’s a bit of a wait, you might have some time on your hands (there’s only so much looking at your phone you can do). Thus, some thoughts may (definitely) cross your mind to save you from your boredom.
1. “Only 40 minutes until they open. That’s 10 minutes, 4 times. I can totally do that.”

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We’ve all done this, don’t lie.
2. “Why is it so cold? My weather app said it was supposed to be 65. Can they not be wrong for once?”

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3. “Can this couple in front of me stop with the PDA?”

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Take it somewhere else, please and thank you.
4. “OMG. They’re bringing out hot chocolate. YAASSS.”

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Absolutely delicious, btw.
5. “HA. Must be rough to be at the back of the line.”

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Unless, of course, you are at the back of the line. In that case, you’re probably gonna have a lot of time to think about life and question every decision you’ve ever made.
6. “Why didn’t I preorder these?”

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Yes, you can preorder.
7. “This is gonna be SO worth it.”

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Most definitely worth it.
Hope you enjoy waiting in line as much as I did!