
5 Things To Love About Uncommon Grounds

Known to Skid-Kids as a hub for studying, socializing, and decompressing, Uncommon Grounds has dozens of reasons that make it one of our favorite coffee shops in town. Here are just some of the things it offers, that make me such a loyal customer.

1. Mouth-watering Bagel Sandwiches

Photo courtesy of @spoon_skidmore on Instagram

Whether to cure a hangover, or to turn a stressful day into a delicious one, Uncommon’s bagel sandwiches never fail to be #onfleek. Check out their menu here.

2. Comfy Couches

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I could probably glue myself to these couches for days on end and feel like part of the Friends gang. Could they BE any more heavenly?!

3. Fresh and Yummy Coffee

Photo courtesy of Uncommon Grounds

By the restaurant’s name itself, it is implied you’ll be able to get some really good coffee. And that’s just exactly what you can expect. Different roasts, lattes, and frappes —basically any form of coffee to start your day. It’s a great energy boost that also is linked to several health benefits.

4. Motivating Study Corner

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Uncommon is a great off-campus getaway to do work. Though the couches are always tempting, the section at the back with desks makes a provides the perfect setting to actually get shit done while armed with caffeine.   

5. Extensive Tea List


Gif courtesy of Imgur

When I’m not in the mood for coffee, or just want to try something new, I know I can depend on Uncommon’s tea menu. The countless number of items available at Uncommon always give me an excuse to go back. 

Want more? Check these out:

The Best Teas for Every Mood

What Your Bagel Choice Says About You

Which Saratoga Coffee Shop Are You?