
Here’s What $20 at El Charro Can Get You

As a college student, 20 dollars is the world. A crisp Andrew Jackson in my hands and I feel unstoppable. Of course with great power comes great responsibility. How does one spend this immense fortune?

For me the obvious answer is food. It always has been and it always will be. With that in mind the even bigger question is—with this kind of cash—where do I go to fill myself to a capacity I never knew possible?

Ladies and gentleman, I give you El Charro.

Breaking down their menu for you will open your eyes to unbelievable queso-bilities. With that, I present to you the ultimate guide on spending your $20 at El Charro to yield the most profitable results.

Chips and Salsa

Photo By Paige Stickevers

It all begins here. When those tortilla chips and that glass shooter of salsa make their way to your table, I urge to you attack it with unparalleled ferocity. Attack it like a sorority girl who just got her little who is “literally the best”. Embody the word bottomless. If the idea here is to get your meal’s worth, I highly suggest you cash as many free baskets as you’re able. If at any point you worry about spoiling your dinner…don’t. It’s salsa, which is tomatoes. It’s basically salad, okay?

Fiesta Specials

Photo By Paige Stickevers

I know the menu is vast, but it’s imperative you head straight to the Holy Grail: The Fiesta Specials section. If you’re hungry, if you’re just offensively indecisive, this is the spot that has everything.

Specialty Items:

Photo By Paige Stickevers

Any restaurant bold enough to give a dish its namesake is worth a try, and so I present to you the Burrito Charro.


Feeling bold? Ready to take the driver’s seat on this one? Hit the combos section. At $8.50 each, highlights include:

My list is not exhaustive. Fear not foodies, there are 32 options.

Photo By Paige Stickevers


Anyone for drinks or desserts?

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