
15 Minutes With the Man Behind Nantucket’s Juice Bar

If you’ve ever been to Nantucket, chances are you’ve visited The Juice Bar. The Juice Bar is the first place vacationers see when driving off the ferry, and embodies everything that Nantucket is: sweet, sticky, and delicious.

Most nights from June through September the line wraps around the block, but no line for this delicious ice cream is ever too long. Flavors such as Cookie Monster, Blackberry, Green Monster, Crantucket, and Dirty Grasshopper are just a few fan favorites. As a yearly visitor to Nantucket, The Juice Bar is my all time favorite ice cream destination.

Photo by Eleanor Davis

I sat down with owner Ron Lefebvre one early morning in August and asked him the questions all Juice Bar lovers want to know.

Spoon: What is your newest flavor?

Ron: We have a new flavor every day.

Photo courtesy of Juice Bar on Facebook

Spoon: How have you catered to the changing diets and nutritional needs?

Ron: We have started incorporating vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options.

Photo courtesy of Juice Bar on Facebook

Spoon: What if your most popular flavor?

Ron: It changes every season, but Green Monster is definitely the most popular right now.

Photo by Isy Brosius

Spoon: When did the Juice Bar first open?

Ron: We opened in the late 70s but we started making ice-cream in 1980.

Photo by Eleanor Davis

Spoon: When did you purchase the Juice Bar, and how have you changed it?

Ron: I bought the Juice Bar in 1999. It was a bakery and they also sold juices. When I bought it we focused on our homemade ice cream and stopped baking and making juices.

Photo courtesy of @coast2coastfoodies on Instagram

Spoon: What are your favorite flavors?

Ron: Currently Green Monster, Crantucket, and Amaretto Chip.

Photo by Olivia Reiter

Spoon: How do you come up with new flavors?

Ron: I find inspiration from everything around me. I see what kids like and try to cater to that, I also think of new flavors walking in the supermarket. I’ve worked as a chef so I have experience experimenting with flavors. Not every flavor combination works in ice-cream but it’s always fun trying new things.

#SpoonTip: The Juice Bar is the place to be on Nantucket and a must visit when on the island.

Photo courtesy of Juice Bar on Facebook

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