
You Need These Nike Sneakers for Your Next Starbucks Run

For all the basics out there, Nike has combined two of your favorite things: cute sneakers and Starbucks. Well, the word cute may not be the way to describe this particular shoe. The types of shoes the ladies love to wear on their coffee runs are usually bright and colorful, while this shoe combines the colors you usually see in camo.

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The toe of the shoe has a swirl of dark and light brown to mimic the swirling of black coffee and cream. The tongue and sole of the shoe are Starbucks green because betches love Starbucks. Is Nike going too far with this outlandish combination of shoes and beverages? Maybe, but only time will tell.

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These puppies go for $100 a pair, which you could instead spend on 50 tall cups of coffee from Starbucks and pour them on your shoe to get the same effect. Nike claims that they are specifically designed for the infamous coffee run, which as we all know does not include actual running. Nike’s are great shoes to make you appear like you are being active when you are really not, but these shoes just make that inactivity more obvious.

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All in all, I think Nike took it too far with this assumption that people will buy these shoes just because everyone loves Starbucks. I love flip flops and pasta, but you do not see me walking around with flip flops that have spaghetti and meatballs on them. David Yi from describes this shoe as “kinda awkward” and I think he hits the nail right on the head.

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