
Why You Should Eat Cotton Candy Grapes This Season

We’re nearing the final stretch – and I’m not talking about the wildly chaotic last few weeks of cramming or consuming dangerous amounts of caffeinated everythingI’m talking about the end to the agonizing winter’s wait for Cotton Candy Grapes to finally be back in season.

If the anticipation hasn’t been killing you over the past few months, you’ve probably never tried the miraculous fusion of grape and candy. Don’t worry, we won’t call you out for being the last to know about this grape sensation – just consider reading up on it at on the top of your priority list.

Here is everything you need to know about Grapery‘s truly cotton candylicious grapes.

1. Surprise – these beauties are au naturel

Photo by Naib Mian

Grapery, a vineyard in California, uses all-natural breeding practices in farming these fruits to be full of their sugary flavor without genetic engineering or artificial flavoring.

Seemingly too good to be true, it’s hard to believe that these grapes are all natural, non-GMO, aren’t secretly packed with sugarand miraculously taste like candy.

2. They taste like the real carnival-sweet deal

Gif courtesy of

Think of that ferris wheel, merry-go-round, carnival pink puff of heaven taste, all wrapped up in a little green grape. Think Willy Wonka’s infamous “3-course meal in a stick of chewing gum.” (The meal is the cotton candy, the gum is the grape, and you turn out nothing like poor miss Violet Beauregaurde.)

#SpoonTip: If you’re a cotton candy aficionado, try making your own cotton candy Frappuccino and you never even have to set foot in a carnival for your favorite treat.

3. More dreamy flavors await you

Photo courtesy of

If cotton candy isn’t your thing, don’t worry. Grapery Vineyards sells a variety of other deliciously-flavored grapes here. Ranging from “Moon Drops” to “Witch Fingers“, Grapery Vineyards provides an assortment of mouth-watering and whimsical breeds sure to strike your fancy.

#SpoonTip: Try taking these funky fruits and turning them into your own fruit popsicles

4. They’re seasonal – mark your calendars

Gif courtesy of

Season specific and available in stores for a limited time, these grapes require planning. (If you didn’t have it together during finals week, here’s your time to shine.)

Go reminder crazy with dates from this availability chart and sticky-note your planners, fridge, bathroom mirror, forehead, or whatever it takes to grab these juicy gems while they’re on the shelves. Eating seasonally can be hard, but it’s worth it.

Still don’t believe us? Check out a video of people taste-testing these grapes, or read up on the major buzz these healthy treats have been making since day one here. And when you finally try your very first freak-of-nature grape and your tastebuds can’t wrap their brains around it, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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