
Why The New Starbucks S’mores Frappuccino Doesn’t Live Up To The Hype

In case you missed the memo, Starbucks recently released a new line of products based around s’mores, complete with a tart and frappuccinos. That’s right, Starbucks tried to convert everyone’s favorite warm campfire treat into a frozen, caffeinated drink.

S’mores aren’t just a dessert, they’re a memory. Because even if s’mores aren’t your favorite dessert out there, who doesn’t have a fond memory of sitting by the fire, roasting (or burning) marshmallows with friends?

Before we get too far in with my grievances, let’s see what went into this new frappuccino.

The S’mores Frappuccino + Cookie Straw

Photo by Dyan Khor

This is a pretty complex drink so let’s break down the layers.

Bottom: Marshmallow whipped cream
Sauce: Milk chocolate syrup
Drink: Graham cracker frappuccino
Topping: More marshmallow whipped cream plus graham cracker crumble
Extra: cookie straw (rolled wafer filled with chocolate)

Sounds pretty delicious right?

But I felt the new s’mores frappuccino didn’t live up to the hype, and here’s why:

It didn’t taste like toasted marshmallows or even really like s’mores.

Photo by Dyan Khor

I think it was a pretty tall order to turn America’s favorite warm campfire treat into a cold drink, and felt the s’mores frappuccino missed that mark. Personally, I thought it needed a stronger graham cracker flavoring and some form of caramelized sugar so it would taste more like toasted marshmallows — aka everyone’s favorite part of making and eating s’mores.

It was a sugar-overload.

Photo by Dyan Khor

Overall, the whole thing was way too sweet, especially with the double whipped cream.

Disclaimer: I usually order no whip when I get frappuccinos, so I may not be the best judge.

Not feelin’ the cookie straw.

Photo by Dyan Khor

I love free food, but the cookie straw didn’t quite work for me. I don’t know if I’m just doing this wrong, but as I munched on it, I reached a point of no return where I hit the lid and had to awkwardly fish out the soggy remains from my drink.

That being said, it was by no means a poor experience or a bad tasting drink. The big letdown to me was the expectation of s’mores but receiving a pretty average-tasting frappuccino. If blindfolded, I probably wouldn’t have identified it as being s’mores-flavored or inspired.

However, if you love frappuccinos, I’d still give this one a try because it was pretty tasty. Let me know if it invoked those warm, s’mores-y feelings for you.

Craving s’more s’mores? Check out these easy campfire-free recipes: