McDonald’s has brought the infamous Big Mac back into the spotlight, but this time in a totally different way. Instead of waiting in line and getting pissed they forgot your extra pickles, you can now get your favorite burger in clothing form.
We know what you’re thinking, where would I possibly wear McDonalds clothing? Here are a few suggestions:
1. McDonald’s (duh)

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Without McDonald’s, there would be no Big Mac apparel, you might get a few stares but you’ll probably also get the biggest fan award and maybe even a surprise toy in your bag (even if you didn’t get a happy meal).
2. The Gym

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Make all of the skinny, muscular, starving gym rats jealous. When you walk in there dressed as a hamburger they’ll be drooling all over you.
3. Class

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Your hamburgers will distract everyone else in the class so then you will be not only the most fashionable person on campus, but also the star student.
4. The Party

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Walk up to the club like, “What up? I got a Big Mac”
5. First Tinder Date

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First impressions are very important. Throw on your hamburger leggings and hamburger shirt, and they won’t be able to take their eyes off you. You’re pretty much guaranteed a second date.
6. Hockey Game

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The Cats may bring the W, but you’ll be bringing the party.
7. The Beach

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You won’t even need to worry about attaining that beach bod because you can get your buns nice and toasty in your hot new attire.
8. Skiing

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So you don’t forget to do your french fry form (and pizza to stop).
9. Formals/Dances

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Let’s be real here, hamburgers make everyone look good.
10. Final Exams

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You can expect an “A” on any exam you take because you’ll be dressed for success.
11. Anywhere

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Who are we kidding? It’s a hamburger shirt. Wear that shirt, walk with your head held high, and you strut those sesame buns.
What are you waiting for? Stop reading this article and go order your new wardrobe.
And yes, these clothes actually exist: